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March 15, 2020


HYMN: “Freely, Freely”

God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name,

I’ve been born again in Jesus’ name;

And in Jesus’ name I come to you

To share His love as He told me to.

He said, “Freely, freely you have received:

Freely, freely give.

Go in my name, and, because you believe,

Others will know that I live.”


All pow’r is giv’n in Jesus’ name,

In earth and heav’n in Jesus’ name;

And in Jesus’ name I come to you

To share His pow’r as He told me to.

He said, “Freely, freely you have received:

Freely, freely give.

Go in my name, and, because you believe,

Others will know that I live.”

RLC TEXT:                                                                  Matthew 18:21-35

Forgiving – Red Letter Challenge.

     Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.

     “Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. When he began to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents. And since he could not pay, his master ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment to be made. So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’ And out of pity for him, the master of that servant released him and forgave him the debt. But when that same servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii, and seizing him, he began to choke him, saying, ‘Pay what you owe.’ So his fellow servant fell down and pleaded with him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ He refused and went and put him in prison until he should pay the debt. When his fellow servants saw what had taken place, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their master all that had taken place. Then his master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’

     And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”

L: This is the Gospel of the Lord.

C: Praise to You, O Christ!



  1. How is forgiveness different from excusing what people have done or just avoiding what people have done?
  2. Has anybody ever wronged you more than you have wronged God?
  3. Is it harder to forgive yourself or forgive others?


L: Gracious Father, we ask Your blessing on Your Church throughout the world.  Fill the Church with all truth and peace.  Where it is in error, reform it; where it is in need, supply it; where it is right, strengthen and confirm it; and where it is in conflict, heal its divisions.  Lord, in Your mercy,

C: hear our prayer.

L: Almighty God, give us grace to trust You during this time of illness and distress. In mercy put an end to the pandemic that afflicts us. Grant relief to those who suffer, and comfort all who are troubled. Sustain all medical personnel in their labors, and cause Your people ever to serve You in righteousness and holiness. Lord, in Your mercy,

C: hear our prayer.

L: We also make our petitions for the sick, the homebound, the sorrowing, those undergoing hardship or challenges, and all who this day are in need of our prayers, (especially…), that their prayers may soon be answered and that they may be supported by God’s people as they experience His good and gracious will for their lives.  Lord, in Your mercy,

C: hear our prayer.

L: Almighty God, since You have given us grace to make our requests to You and have promised that when two or three are gathered in Your name, You will hear their requests. Fulfill now, O Lord, the desires and petitions of Your servants, as may be best for them; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

C: Amen.                                            



L: The blessing of God Almighty—the Father, who gave His Son for the life of the world; the Son, who has revealed to us God’s grace, mercy and love; and the Spirit, by whose fruit we are seen to be children of God—bless you now and forever.