Peace Progress

October 2017

Dear Peace family,

Teaching is one thing.  Following up teaching with action is a whole other matter.

It has been a great joy of mine to share in our current sermon series on the 5 C’s.  In case you missed a week  or  two, here is a little reminder and a question for personal consideration.

Week 1: CHRIST “How am I growing in my dependency and intimacy on Christ?”

Week 2:  COMMUNITY “How are my relationships with my family, small groups, church and those outside the church?”

Week 3:  CHARACTER “What kind of person am I becoming and what kind of person am I when no one else is around?”

Week 4:  CALLING “What is God leading me toward?”

Week 5:  COMPETENCE “How am I developing my knowledge and skills for the Lord?”

I share these with you as I am taking an introspective look at myself.  There are certainly areas in my own spiritual walk that I would like to improve.  I am comforted in the truth that God never demands perfection, but seeks that I repent, be forgiven and with the Holy Spirit’s help, align myself to Him.

Would join me in following up this teaching with action?  We never act alone as Christians, God is with us.  Philippians 1:6 states, “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Right now, Peace is offering powerful ways that you can take action with the 5 C’s.  You can grow in Christ in the women’s study entitled “I am” or in the adult Bible Study on Sunday mornings at Peace.  Community is practiced whenever Tables of Peace meets or we engage with Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce.  Character, calling and competencies are encouraged in various capacities as well.

The apostle Paul once wrote very personal words to the Thessalonians, “We were ready to share with you not only the gospel but also our own selves.”  A part of what gave Paul so much joy in ministry was simply that he shared life together with his people.

I too feel this way for you.  May we continue to sharpen each other as we enjoy life together and the blessing it is to follow Jesus.

In Jesus’ name,

Pastor J

Bible Readings Series A

Oct. 1 – 17th Sun. a. Pentecost

  • 18:1–4, 25–32
  • Psalm 25:1–10
  • 2:1–4 (5–13) 14–18
  • 21:23–27 (28–32)

Oct. 8 – 18th Sun. a. Pentecost

  • 5:1–7
  • Psalm 80:7–19
  • 3:4b–14
  • 21:33–46

Oct. 15 – 19th Sun. a. Pentecost

  • 25:6–9
  • Psalm 23
  • 4:4–13
  • 22:1–14

Oct. 22 – 20th  Sun. a. Pentecost

  • 45:1–7
  • Psalm 96:1–9 (10–13)
  • 1 Thess. 1:1–10
  • 22:15–22

Oct. 29 – Reformation Day (Obsv)

  • 14:6–7
  • Psalm 46
  • 3:19–28
  • John 8:31–36 or Matt. 11:12–19


Community Support

Mission Giving for Second Quarter:

Celebrate Recovery                            $78.88

Love INC                                              $788.84

Luther House                                      $236.65

Lutherwood                                         $788.84

Philomath Community Services          $788.84

We Care                                              $394.42

Zion Lutheran School                          $1,972.10

Benevolent Fund                                 $315.54

LCMS NW District                               $2,524.29


“Thank you for extending Peace out into the community and beyond!  Our mission giving goes a long way in supporting Jesus’ work in these partnerships and organizations.”


Peace By the Numbers

                                                                                       Attendance                       Contributions

                                    August 20                            120                              $2,409

                                    August 27                               230      (Church in the Park)

                                    Sept 3                                        88                                $4,828

                                    Sept 10                                     119                                 $4,755

                                    Sept 17                                         97                                $2,972



Connections Corner

with Joyce Long



Take a moment to remember a couple Sundays ago… Pastor talked about Community.  Do you remember that?  People who have talked with me will know that connecting is something I speak of often and would like to take the next few months to share some thoughts with you.

I would like to start by introducing myself to those of you who I haven’t gotten to know yet. I have been a Lutheran for a little over a year now. I’m the lady who sings in the choir, has a passion for teens and does children’s message with my little pink bucket. But those are all things that I do not who I am. In the coming months I would like to take some time to connect with my Peace family and share some things that are important to me. I hope they will be a blessing to you.

I believe that we are hard-wired from before we were born, with a need and a desire to connect with God and others; physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Next month I will start to break these down and share more thoughts.

…to be continued…Blessings Peace family

Men's BreakfestOctober 7th begins another nine months of Peace Men & Friends gathering together for the First Saturday Breakfast. A topic has been picked regarding “Discipleship – My Connection with God”.  Pastor Lucke will be leading the discussion.  Remember Coffee on at 8:00, do come for pre-breakfast fellowship. Bring an appetite to enjoy fruit, sausage, bacon, eggs, potatoes and toast. Breakfast served at 8:30 and discussion topic at 9 – 10. Should you be interested in helping cook let me know. Questions contact Oscar Gutbrod – 541-231-3954.

   Fall Bazaar




November 11 is the Fall Bazaar! Ladies Guild has been sponsoring a Fall Bazaar for the past few years. Members of the church contribute handmade items or baked goods to sell. There are also gift baskets prepared, a cookie corner setup and a small amount of new or gently used items sold. The monies collected from the sale go primarily to local charities, Camp Lutherwood scholarships and supporting a seminarian.

Please consider using your talents to help make this sale a huge success. A variety of items keep our sale sought out and successful. If you bake, knit, crochet, sew, do woodworking, crafts or make jewelry, use your talents to contribute to this fun event.

As time for the bazaar is closer, consider helping setup, selling or cleaning up. It is a fun day for all.

Gift Baskets for the Bazaar

Maybe you don’t feel you have the time to make something for out Fall Bazaar.  Would you consider sponsoring a basket?  You can pick up the items during your next shopping trip, and Kay Glathar will put the baskets together and wrap them.

Here are some suggestions to get you started – but feel free to be CREATIVE!  If you have a different idea please follow it!

  • Coffee BasketGift Baskets
  • Spa Basket
  • Dorm Basket
  • Wine Basket
  • Baby Boy or Girl Basket
  • Taste of Italy Basket
  • Chocolate Lovers Basket
  • Breakfast Basket
  • OSU Basket
  • Doggie Basket
  • Get Well Soon Basket
  • Mexican Fiesta Basket
  • Soup Lovers Basket

There is also a handout in the Narthex with some lists of different kinds of baskets and what you might get to put in them if you need some guidance.

When you have all your items ready, place them in a bag and bring them to church.  Kay will include a list of items in the basket when it is prepared.  If you have a basket, please include it, but we are happy to provide one.

Please have the items to church NO LATER THAN October 21st.  The sooner the better – that way the baskets can be prepared for the bazaar!  Thank YOU!

Pursuing Peace Together

“Philomath’s Dementia Warriors”


WED, OCT 4th (2:30 pm to 4:00 pm)

1ST & 3RD WED of Every Month

At: Peace Lutheran Church, Philomath

I am pleased to report, “Philomath’s Dementia Warriors” have been meeting twice a month here at Peace Lutheran Church since July 5th this year. Coffee, water and snacks are provided.

We are people with dementia and our familiesdedicated to having fun and laughing while educating one another, exploring our resources, discussing our successes & our failures, finding answers to the tough questions, learning to improve the quality of our lives and indeed, learning to live well with dementia. Perseverance is God’s will and “together we are stronger”.                            

If you or a family member is seeking answers or looking to improve the journey of a loved one with dementia, you are invited to join us.

God bless you,

Jerry Wylie – 971-599-0166 – [email protected]

see the Person




Equipped to Serve

Oct. 2017