Max Lucado’s book, Anxious for Nothing – Week 3


“Present Your Requests to God”

Last time, we discussed how we need to let our gentleness be made known to all. During the group activity, you set an alarm to daily remind you of God’s presence. If you followed through with this daily reminder, share how it encouraged you. Did it bring you more calmness or change the way you faced your anxieties? 

James 5:13-16

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

What is one thing that stands out to you from this passage?

Max Lucado’s Audio

Major Points from the video……….

  1. Our primary call to action in the fight against anxiety is prayer.
  2. In Matthew 14, we see that as long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he did the impossible….but as soon as he looked at the waves, he began to sink. When we shift our eyes off of Christ and onto our anxieties, we, like Peter, begin to drown in worry or despair.
  3. Paul also calls us to pray with gratitude in Philippians 4:6. Gratitude is a mindful awareness of the benefits God has provided to us in life. Christ based contentment is the key to finding joy. Since no one can take our Christ away, no one can take away our joy.
  4. What we have in Christ is greater than anything we don’t have in life.

Video Debrief

1. Read aloud the beginning of the story of Peter walking on the water in Matthew 14:22-24. Why do you think Jesus didn’t go with his disciples in the boat? 

What was Jesus doing while the disciples were gone (verse 23)?

2. Peter’s prayer to Jesus as the waves tossed the boat was not eloquent. It was simple, direct, even desperate. Read Luke 18:9-14. According to this parable, what kind of prayer is heart-honoring to God?

3. In the video teaching, Max stressed the importance of being specific with our requests to God. When you pray, do you tend to be detailed or vague? What do you think you have this tendency?

4. Read Philippians 4:11-13. How does Paul say he is able to find contentment in all things (verse 13)?

What area or circumstance in your life do you find yourself complaining about most?

How can you apply Philippians 4:13 to your life so that you, like Paul, can find a reason to be grateful in every circumstance?

Final Activity

Take some time to “count your blessings.” Focus your minds on God’s good gifts instead of your worries. Take time to share.

Before going to prayer (quietly to yourself for 30 seconds), think about a trying circumstance you are NOT thankful for. Now in prayer ask the Lord to bring gratitude and joy when facing this difficulty.