In PDF format: 08-2018 Newsletter
Pastor’s Notes
Peace family,
An important addition is coming to Peace in the month of August. Beginning Sunday, August 12, Peace will be offering a Sunday evening worship service at 7 pm in the sanctuary. I call this an “addition” as this will not change the normal Sunday morning Bible Study hour at 8:30 am and worship at 9:30 am. It is best described as an addition to what we are already doing.
The questions below may be ones that you might be wondering. You may have other questions as well, please come and talk to me or one of the elders.
“Why are we doing this?” Peace is a growing congregation. In 2018, Peace has accepted into membership around 30 new members. Attendance too has increased over the last five years from an average of 70 in attendance a Sunday in 2012 to 120 in 2018.
With the council’s approval, a planning committee was formed in May to discuss this growth and strategically plan for the future. Many good ideas came from this committee including trying a second service.
“How long will this last?” This is a trial run. The evening worship service will happen for four Sundays: August 12, 19, 26 and September 2. Rally Day is on Sunday, September 9 and we will be going back to our normal schedule of Sunday School at 9:45 am with worship at 11 am.
Take note of one peculiarity in the schedule. Sunday, August 26 is Church in the Park in the Philomath City Park at 10 am. As Peace participates, there will not be a morning service at 9:30 am in the sanctuary. Please come to the park! Or…you are welcome to come for the evening service at 7 pm at Peace on August 26.
“What will be the worship format?” The worship service will be led by guitar and be a little more casual. The format will contain the important elements of song, confession/absolution, Scripture lessons, sermon, a statement of faith, and prayer.
“What about Holy Communion?” Yes, Holy Communion will be offered on the first and third Sundays. This means that you can expect to receive the Sacrament on August 19 and September 2.
This is truly an addition and one more option for you to “remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.” It may be that summer plans have you out of town in the morning on one Sunday and consequently, you are unable to attend morning worship. Now you have the option of coming in the evening.
Be ready for some great Spiritual growth opportunities in the fall when we come back to our normal schedule. We will be taking a look at Max Lucado’s recent book, “You’ll Get Through This.”
Peace be with you,
Pastor J

Music On the Patio
All are invited for an evening of fellowship and music on Thursday, August 23 at 7 pm outside on the patio. Bryson’s band will be here! Bring a dessert to share. You can use the chairs at church or can bring your own lawn chair. The purpose is simply to get people together, enjoy a beautiful evening and listen to some great music.
Youth Mentor Program
We are in need of mentors to listen each week to our confirmation youth’s memory work. It won’t take too long, but it does require the mentor’s commitment each week to check in with their youth you by calling them on the phone or meeting them after church. It is simple, but an important process. The youth will study their section of the Luther’s Small Catechism and memorize it. In their meeting with their mentor, they will then recite it. The mentor will then document the work accomplished and report back to Pastor. This program will begin in late September and end in early November.
This year’s confirmation class will consist of at least 7 youth. This means that we will need at least 7 mentors. If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Lucke.
Connections Corner
with Joyce Long
Greetings Peace Family! Hard to believe it is already August! This summer at Peace we are setting up some fun ways to connect with our youth. But don’t feel left out. You would be surprised how much you and the youth can learn and appreciate about one another. The youth are at a time in their lives when they can start thinking about what faith in God really means to them. It is a time for them to begin to make it personal. If you feel inclined, come to one of the events and just spend time with them. You will be surprised at what this generation can bring to all our lives. Late teens and early adulthood is the start of a lot of new connections for them. Connections to God, the church, school, the community and jobs. They really do enjoy learning about how God can guide them in their journey. Well, stay cool Family and don’t forget to reach out to others this summer. Matthew 5:16 says “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
to be continued…Blessings Peace Family
Getting on the Calendar
Hi Folks! As we enter the summer months there are many of you who would like to use the church as a place to gather with family and friends, perhaps celebrate and play. It is important that you VERBALLY reach out and let the office know you would like to reserve the fellowship hall or patio, because many of the events are being put on our digital calendar first then being transferred to the handwritten calendar in the office. So to avoid disappointment or double bookings…please talk to Callie via text or phone 541-220-8425 or email the office directly at [email protected]. Let’s have a great summer!!!
Gathering the Kids!
Our kids are doing an amazing job of staying connected so far this summer. They are teaming up to redo the old kitchen, making it their youth room. They would definitely like to hang out this summer and we would love to see more kids in attendance. Who doesn’t love a sleepover? Well, the next opportunity to hang out will be August 18-19. There is a youth group from Yakima coming into town to enjoy our coast and would like to connect with the youth in our church. WE will be doing a lock in with a wonderful breakfast on the morning of the 19th (before worship). Plan on attending…it should be fun!
September is going to be here soon!!
We are going to bounce into the new year of Sunday School with a party! All are invited to our September 12 BBQ, picnic, game and play time. Starting at 9:45 AM in the sanctuary and ending with fellowship after our 11:00 AM Service. Join us for a bouncy castle, ice cream, balloons, music and more! We will see you there!