The Bulletin is at: 05-06-2017 – Bulliten
The Service in PDF format is at: 08-06-2017 – Service.docx
or the service is as follows:
August 6
AS WE GATHER: We face so many arguments about food these days. Go organic. Go gluten free. Go low carb. Go vegan. Go GMO free. Our culture is deeply concerned about what sort of food we put in our bodies because the old saying “you are what you eat” is fairly accurate. While what sort of food we put into our bodies is an important concern, Jesus compels us to make another kind of food an even higher priority than the food we chew and digest. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Jesus feeds five thousand people, thereby revealing that He is the Word of God Incarnate, the food that feeds more than our stomachs. Jesus feeds our souls. Our worship today is an opportunity to have our souls fed!
We take a few moments in silence to prepare our hearts for worship.
P: In the name of the Father, and of the + Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.
P: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!
C: How beautiful is the good news of Christ’s salvation!
P: The Lord’s voice is reaching out into all the earth!
C: Jesus’ words bring us life as we trust in Him!
P: Let us confess our sins to God our Father beginning with a time for silent prayer.
In a time of silence, we reflect on our great need for Jesus’ saving work.
P: Together we confess:
C: We have sinned against You, mighty God, in thought, word, and deed.
P: When we have been more concerned with the food that feeds our stomachs than we are with the food that nurtures our souls,
C: we have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed.
P: When we live as if the gifts of God are less important than some of the trivialities with which we use up our time,
C: we have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed.
P: When we fill our ears with all sorts of things that cannot give us the life You give,
C: we have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed. Bring us to repentance, Lord. Forgive our sins, those of which we are aware and those we do unwittingly. Have mercy on us. Seek us, for You alone can find us and restore us.
P: “Listen diligently to Me, and eat what is good,” says the Lord, “and delight yourselves in rich food.” Almighty God in His mercy has given His Son to die for you and for His sake forgives you all your sins. As a called and ordained servant of Christ and by His authority, I therefore forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.
SONG OF PRAISE – “I Love You, Lord” TOSB 225
I love You, Lord
and I lift my voice
to worship You
o my soul, rejoice!
Take joy, My King,
in what You hear,
may it be a sweet,
sweet sound
in Your ear.
P: Let us Pray…Lord of creation, You open wide Your hand and satisfy the needs of every living creature.
C: You feed our souls with the true bread from heaven, Jesus, our Savior.
P: Help us to receive the Bread of Life with joy,
C: so that we may participate in Your providing bread for the world, both body and soul;
P: through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
C: Amen.
Come, eat and drink without cost.
“Come, everyone who thirsts,
come to the waters;
and he who has no money,
come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without price.
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,
and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
and delight yourselves in rich food.
Incline your ear, and come to me;
hear, that your soul may live;
and I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
my steadfast, sure love for David.
Behold, I made him a witness to the peoples,
a leader and commander for the peoples.
Behold, you shall call a nation that you do not know,
and a nation that did not know you shall run to you,
because of the LORD your God, and of the Holy One of Israel,
for he has glorified you.
The Bread of Life feeds five thousand.
Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns. When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick. Now when it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a desolate place, and the day is now over; send the crowds away to go into the villages and buy food for themselves.” But Jesus said, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” They said to him, “We have only five loaves here and two fish.” And he said, “Bring them here to me.”Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. And those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children.
SERMON HYMN – “You are My All in All”
You are my strength when I am weak,
You are the treasure that I seek.
You are my all in all.
Seeking you as a precious jewel,
Lord, to give up, I’d be a fool,
You are my all in all.
Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your Name
Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your Name
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame.
Rising again, I bless Your name.
You are my all in all.
When I fall down, You pick me up.
When I am dry, You fill my cup.
You are my all in all.
Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your Name
Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your Name
C: I believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has given me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my reason and all my senses, and still takes care of them.
He also gives me clothing and shoes, food and drink, house and home, wife and children, land, animals, and all I have. He richly and daily provides me with all that I need to support this body and life.
He defends me against all danger and guards and protects me from all evil. All this He does only out of fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness in me. For all this it is my duty to thank and praise, serve and obey Him. Amen.
P: Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs.
P: For all of God’s children, both here at Peace and throughout the world, that we may be served and saved by Jesus, let us pray to the Lord.
C: Save us, O Lord, that we may serve You with willing hearts.
P: For the fulfillment of the Great Commission, that we serve the One who has claimed us by His Word and Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.
C: Save us, O Lord, that we may serve You with willing hearts.
P: For the community that surrounds us, that the places we live and work be blessed by the grace of Jesus, let us pray to the Lord.
C: Save us, O Lord, that we may serve You with willing hearts.
P: For all who serve in positions of leadership in our government, along with those who wear the uniform of our country, that the Mighty Fortress would be their rock and refuge, let us pray to the Lord.
C: Save us, O Lord, that we may serve You with willing hearts.
P: For all who suffer illness in heart, mind, and body (especially…), that they receive the healing balm of God’s mercy, let us pray to the Lord.
C: Save us, O Lord, that we may serve You with willing hearts.
P: For these and all other concerns we have, that coming before the throne of grace we find mercy to help us in every type of need, let us pray to the Lord.
C: Save us, O Lord, that we may serve You with willing hearts. Amen.
P: The Lord be with you.
C: And also with you.
P: Lift up your hearts.
C: We lift them to the Lord.
P: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
C: It is right to give Him thanks and praise.
“What a Friend” TOSB 246
What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!
Have we trials and temptations, is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged, take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who with all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness, take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In his arms he’ll take and shield thee, thou wilt find a solace there.
“The Solid Rock” TOSB 222
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
When darkness seem to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
His oath, His covenant, His blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found;
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” TOSB 33
Come, thou fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.
While the hope of endless glory fills my heart with joy and love,
Teach me ever to adore Thee, may I still thy goodness prove.
Here I raise my Ebenezer, hither by thy help I’m come;
And I hope, by thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger, interposed his precious blood.
O to grace how great a debtor, daily I’m constrained to be;
Let that grace now like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heartk, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above.
P: Nourished by the Word and fed by Jesus’ body and blood, you are sent out into the world in the name of Jesus to fill the hungry with good things.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and + give you peace.
C: Amen.
CLOSING SONG – “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” LBW 551
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love;
Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee, hail Thee as the sun above,
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away;
Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day.
All Thy works with joy surround Thee, earth and heaven reflect thy rays,
Stars and angels sing around Thee, center of the unbroken praise;
Field and forest, vale and mountain, flowery meadow flashing sea,
Chanting bird and flowing fountain, call us to rejoice in Thee.
Thou art giving and forgiving, ever blessing, ever blest,
Well-spring of the joy of living, ocean depth of happy rest!
Thou our Father, Christ our Brother, all who live in love are Thine;
Teach us how to love each other, lift us to the Joy Divine.
Mortals, join the mighty chorus which the morning stars began;
Father love is reigning over us, Brother love binds man to man.
Ever singing, march we onward, victors in the midst of strife;
Joyful music lifts us sunward in the triumph song of life.