Posts by Peace

3140 of 1014 items

March 2024 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear friends,

Availability is a spiritual gift! Bob Goff highlights this truth when he writes a couple of startling statements in his 2020 book, “Dream Big”:

  • “Availability is the most reliable predictor of engagement, and engagement is the most reliable predictor of success.”
  • “People don’t follow vision, they follow availability.”
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Ash Wednesday Feb. 14, 2024

by Peace

Peace Luthran Church

Ash Wednesday 2024

Pre-Service Music



Leader: Jesus Christ, you are the light of the world;

All: the light no darkness can over-come;

Leader: Stay with us now, for it is evening,

All: and the day is almost over.

Leader: Let your light scatter the darkness,

All:  and shine within your people here.… Read More

Marlene Blanchard Memorial Service

by Peace

You can watch and listen this on YouTube Just click on Marlene’s Service.

The following is a copy of the Bulletin for this service.


     Today we gather in the name of the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to remember the life of Marlene and to proclaim the victory of Jesus Christ who has been raised from the dead. … Read More

February 2024 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear friends,

Have you ever considered how important it is to have a role model to pattern your life?

Apparently even elephants need role models. A few years back the news reported about some young male elephants in an African game park. These elephants were not fully developed and, according to the article, had behavioral problems.… Read More