Posts by Peace

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January 2018 Newsletter & Calendar

by Peace

In PDF format:

Newsletter:  01-2018 – Newsletter

Calendar:  01-2018 Calendar

Or just read on……

News1Dear Peace family,

We tend to think of fixing our bad habits as we turn our attention to  a new year.  “This will be the year that I finally end late night snacking!” one proclaims.  Another announces, “I’m going avoid hanging around the unhealthy influences in  my life.”… Read More

December 10, 2017 Sunday Service – Children’s Christmas Program

by Peace

December 2017 Newsletter & Calendar

by Peace

In PDF format:

Newsletter: 12-2017 Newsletter

Calendar: 12 – Calendar

Or just read on……

Peace Progress

Dear Peace family,

Are you ready for the precious time you will spend with your family this Christmas?

In the past I have had visions glorious of coming family time during Christmas.  I imagined gifts perfectly wrapped and a Christmas dinner made with little stress. … Read More