Posts by Peace

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November 2017 Ladies Guild Minutes

by Peace

PDF format at: 11 Guild Minutes 2017


Peace Lutheran Church

November 2, 2017

Attendance: Pastor Lucke, Peggy K, Ethel P, Ruth M, Dottie F, Margaret D, Lindy Y, Jani B, Jean W, Ellen H, Colleen S, Sandi K, and Stella G.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm by President Peggy K.… Read More

October 22, 2017 Sunday Service and Bulletin

by Peace

The Bulletin is at: 10-22-2017 – Bulletin

The Service in PDF format is at: 10-22-2017 – 20th Pent LWML Sunday

or the service is as follows:

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost & LWML Sunday

October 22, 2017

Pre-Service Music

As we gatherToday is LWML Sunday.  The pledge for LWML:

“In fervent gratitude of the Savior’s dying love and blood-bought gift of redemption, we dedicate ourselves to Him with all that we are and have; and in obedience to His call for workers in the harvest fields, we pledge Him our willing service wherever and whenever He has need of us. Read More

November 2017 Newsletter & Calendar

by Peace

In PDF format:

Newsletter: 11-Newsletter

Calendar: 11-2017

Or just read on……

Peace Progress

November 2017

Bible ReadingsDear Peace family,

Have you noticed Peace’s Facebook page?  If you have, you probably noticed our postings and the increased amount of activity.  If you haven’t, you should “like” the Peace Lutheran Church – Philomath page so that you can see the latest information and news.… Read More

October 2017 Newsletter & Calendar

by Peace

Peace Progress

October 2017

Dear Peace family,

Teaching is one thing.  Following up teaching with action is a whole other matter.

It has been a great joy of mine to share in our current sermon series on the 5 C’s.  In case you missed a week  or  two, here is a little reminder and a question for personal consideration.… Read More