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Monthly Newsletters from Peace Lutheran Church

June 2024 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear Peace family,

Consecrate. Consecrate is a special word in the church that we use often, but often don’t quite grasp its significance. To consecrate means to set something aside and declare it to be sacred.

What exactly will we be consecrating in June. On Sunday, June 2, we will be blessing a new parament for the altar.… Read More

May 2024 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Dear friends,

I was the runt in my family when it came to music — you’ll often hear me explain it that way. Tom (my dad) was a music major in college, played multiple instruments, directed choirs, and will try to harmonize with any sound that he hears.… Read More

April 2024 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear Peace family,

Alleluia, Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

What an amazing Lent, Holy Week and Easter Peace experienced! Thank you to everyone that served. Serving is so important. Why? When we serve, we tend to focus less on ourselves, and

we open ourselves up to God and others.… Read More

March 2024 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear friends,

Availability is a spiritual gift! Bob Goff highlights this truth when he writes a couple of startling statements in his 2020 book, “Dream Big”:

  • “Availability is the most reliable predictor of engagement, and engagement is the most reliable predictor of success.”
  • “People don’t follow vision, they follow availability.”
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February 2024 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear friends,

Have you ever considered how important it is to have a role model to pattern your life?

Apparently even elephants need role models. A few years back the news reported about some young male elephants in an African game park. These elephants were not fully developed and, according to the article, had behavioral problems.… Read More

January 2024 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear Peace family,

Let’s start the year with some humor!

There was a lady who died and found herself outside of paradise. Soon an angel showed up and said, “Hello, Virginia, we’ve been waiting for you.” The lady asked, “What do I have to do to get in?”… Read More

December 2023 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear Peace family,

Nobody likes the feeling of decreasing or being replaced!

Have you ever wondered how John the Baptist’s disciples felt went Jesus came along? We don’t have to wonder too much, John’s gospel hints that they had misgivings. John was their “guy.” Jesus was beginning to experience some great success as “everyone” (see John 1:26) was going to him to be baptized.… Read More

November 2023 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear friends,

“So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the Word of Christ (Romans 10:17).”

There have been several misinterpretations of the Bible. Consider the way Moses was portrayed in the Bible. Moses was often painted coming down from Mount Sinai with horns on the top of his head.… Read More

October 2023 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear Friends,

As I grow older, I am recognizing those things in my life that don’t last long enough. I wish they did…. they just don’t. Phone batteries. Naps. Vacation. Peanut butter. The weekend. Gum.

October is the month that we celebrate the Reformation. We will be doing so in church on Sunday, October 29.… Read More

September 2023 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear Peace family,

This year is going to change us for the better!

Many people tell their life story as nothing more than a bunch of setbacks. One person relates that their life was filled with difficulties and hardships. Another person shares that their life was filled with pandemic and health diagnoses.… Read More