In PDF Format; Guild Minutes December 2016 web


Peace Lutheran Church

December 1, 2016

Attendance: Margaret D, Sally S, Lindy Y, Peggy B, Sandi K, Dottie F, Ethel P, Kay G, Peggy K, Jani B, Ruth M, Colleen S, Elaine S, Jean W, Pastor J.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:15 pm by President Peggy K.

Opening Devotions: Dottie read the devotions by Max Luccado.

Minutes:  The minutes were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • The Treasurer’s report was approved.


  • Ellen was not present but reported that Love Inc. had no materials on the Benton County Jail inmates.
  • A Thanksgiving card with a thank you note was received from the The Kids’ Kloset.
  • Kay read a letter from Brian & Claire Alaman about their campus ministry at University of Colorado in Boulder. They are requesting funds to help their ministry. It was moved and seconded to send them $300 for their ministry. Motion passed.

Old Business:

  1. Lindy Y will continue to work on replacing/replenishing the silverware and dishes.
  2. LOVE, Inc. had no materials on the Benton County Jail inmates.
  3. Peace Ladies Guild will host the Zone Rally on April 22, 2017. They will be contacting us to let us know our responsibilities. There are usually around 80 people and we would provide a lunch (sandwiches, chips, cookies, etc.). There will be some funding available.

New Business:

  1. Elaine and Kay will not be chairing the Bazaar next year but intend to help.
  2. June’s Kids’ Kloset is December 20 from 1:00-3:00.
  3. The nominating committee presented the list of 2017 candidates for a vote.
    1. President, Peggy K
    2. VP, Ellen H
    3. Treasurer, Sandy K
    4. Secretary, Lindy Y

The vote to select the officers was unanimous.

  1. Guild has been asked to provide a meal following the Memorial Service for Sabine Miner. Elaine will be in charge. The service is to be held Dec. 17 at 2:00PM.
  2. Kay and Elaine from the storage committee requested some dollars to purchase rolling wire racks from Costco while they are on sale. It was voted for them to be able to spend up to $350 for that purchase.
  3. It was moved and seconded to distribute funds to the following local charities:
    1. $1000 to Philomath Community Services
    2. $200 to Camp Lutherwood
    3. $200 to PYAC (Philomath Youth Activities Center)

The vote was unanimous to distribute these funds.

  1. Colleen suggested that when we purchase banners for the outside, that we purchase two-sided banners and place them so both sides can be seen. Possibly we could get a duplicate of the ones that we already have. It was decided to wait until a later time to decide.

Next Meeting:

  1. Our next meeting will be January 5, 2017.
  2. Devotions: Dottie F
  3. Hostess: Jani B

The meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.

A Christmas sock exchange took place after the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay G

Next meeting:  January 5, 2017