PDF format at: Guild Minutes February 2, 2017 web
Peace Lutheran Church
February 2, 2017
Attendance: Margaret D, Sally S, Lindy Y, Peggy B, Sandi K, Dottie Fl, Ethel P, Kay G, Peggy K, Jani B, Ruth M, Colleen S, Ellen H, Joyce H, Beverly H, Pastor Jeremy Lucke.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:15 pm by President Peggy Krueger.
Opening Devotions: Dottie read the devotions by Max Luccado
Minutes: The December minutes were approved as presented. No meeting was held in January, due to bad weather.
Treasurer’s Report:
- The Guild disbursements report for 2016 was handed out to the members.
- The Treasurer’s report was approved.
- The seminary student who we have been supporting is currently applying for a position.
- A card was received from Brian and Clair Alaman thanking the Guild for their support.
- Andrea Scofield sent a letter thanking the Guild for their support of $200 to Camp Lutherwood. She mentioned that the camp is used all year round and is especially beautiful in the winter.
- Two letters were received from Kathryn Motter of the PYAC, one containing a letter to his coach by an appreciative athlete and the second thanking Guild for the donation of $200 to their Program Endowment Fund.
- Van Hunsaker, President of the Philomath Community Services Board of Directors, sent a letter in December and in January thanking the Guild for the donation of $1,000.00 to the program and for continued support.
- A request was made for funding for public art in the Reader Board park (Dale Collins Park). A motion for a donation of $50 was proposed and approved.
- Cards were sent to: Margaret P, Arnold H, Jan L, Denise G, Max K, Art L, Peggy K, Chuck L and Audrey B.
Old Business:
- Spring Zone Rally: Priscilla Greig, President of the Willamette Zone LWML discussed details of the Rally to be held at Peace on April 22nd, 2017. Registration with a request for an offering starts at 10 am and the rally runs till approximately 2 pm. Lunch will be provided by Peace Guild. Peace will provide ushers and a musician. Donations will be accepted. The Willamette Zone representative, Brandy Coleman will be present at the rally. The theme is taken from Ephesians 2, 8-10: Grace Above All. Zion will be hosting the 500th year commemoration of the Reformation. Ingathering at the rally will be decided at the next Peace Guild meeting. The items are given to a local charity of our choosing.
- Love Inc: A prayer list has gone out to all the members.
- Wall Hanging: As yet no reply has been received from Lynn R, so the cost is not yet known.
New Business:
- June’s Kids Kloset is February 21 from 1:00-3:00pm.
- The memorial service for Arnold Hahn will be February 17 at 10am. A list is needed for providing food.
- New Members Reception is February 26. Six or seven new members plus children will be welcomed.
- Joyce will remain as the Chair for the Freezer Meal Program. The Church Council offered to supplement a deficiency of funds, but Joyce said that funds are sufficient at the moment. There may be a need in the future. The next food preparation session will be February 6th at 9am.
- The Bazaar will be held again this year and Kay will make the baskets. Kay and Elaine stepped down from chairing the Bazaar and Jani B will be the new chair.
- Wall hanging: This was a late entry, coming at the end of the meeting. Kay Glathar reported that the cost of a small banner will be $630.00 and a large one will be $1,120.00.
Next Meeting:
Our next meeting will be on March 2, 2017
Devotions: Dottie F
Hostess: Kay G
The meeting adjourned at 2:30pm after the information from the LWML members.
Respectfully submitted,
Lindy Y
Next meeting: March 2, 2017