From the Pastor
Dear Peace friends,
Thank you for your many kind thoughts, prayers, and notes during my time of recovery from COVID. There is much to be grateful for as look back at my experience. My symptoms were mild and just as important, I don’t think I contributed to any spread to family members or the people at Peace. Thank you to Elder Rick Durling for leading worship and sharing the message! And thank you to our musicians and recording team that had to adjust quickly. Our Administrative Assistant, Dan Dusek, was such a great help too in tying up loose ends—what a blessing Dan is to the Peace family!
I’d like to highlight the importance of gratitude and what it can do to us. The Apostle Paul saw gratitude as the antidote for worry and frustration when he once said, “In every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Philippians 4:6).”
Does it really say every situation? Even when a threatening health diagnosis comes our way? Even when someone takes your parking space at the grocery store and then the store doesn’t have the items you came to purchase in the first place? It really does say every. Yikes.
I am reminded of Corrie ten Boom and what she wrote in her book, The Hiding Place. Corrie tells an amazing story about gratitude as she was facing her own death while housed in a German concentration camp. In the passage down below Corrie writes about her (and her sister’s) frustration of living with fleas and pests while contained in the Ravensbruck concentration camp:
I sat up quickly and bumped my head on the platform above.
“Fleas!” I jumped down to the floor. “The place is crawling with fleas! I…I don’t know how I can cope with living in such a terrible place!”
“Corrie, I think God has already given us the answer,” my sister Betsie added. “What was that verse we read from the Bible this morning?”
I pulled out my bible from the bag I wore on a string around my neck. In the dim light, I read from I Thessalonians 5:16-18,: “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.’ ‘Oh, Betsie, that’s too hard in place like this!”
“No, come one, Corrie—let’s try. What are we thankful for?” my sister asked.
“Well….if we must be in this awful place, I’m thankful that we’re together.”……
“That’s right!” Betsie’s eyes danced. “And thank you, God, for the fleas….”
Corrie would go on to say that the flea infestation was helpful because it kept the guards out of their room, allowing her to read the Bible twice a day.
I think we would all agree that there isn’t one of us who has had their life’s situation turn as sour as Corrie ten Boom. We are blessed with so much. Even living in isolation for five days, I am learning to count my blessings. I’ve been able to go on walks to Bald Hill and enjoy God’s gift of creation. I’ve had contact with family and friends—this communication has been a huge uplift. I’ve had books, movies, and music on demand.
Better days are surely ahead for all of us. I say that not because life’s situations will get better. I say that because God is truly with us. God’s goal for us is that we live in abundant joy.
Thank you for being you—a church family that cares and truly counts its blessings!
In Jesus’ Joy,
Pastor Lucke
Peace by the Numbers
Adult Bible Study Plan: “Forgiveness”
Join Pastor Lucke beginning January 30 for our journey to experience God’s grace so that you can share it with others. The forgiveness that Jesus has already won for you assures you of eternal life with Him. It also offers you an opportunity to live with purpose today. Come. Be forgiven. Be free. And watch how God can work through you to change the world. Our discussion/study begins at 9:45 am in the sanctuary. Here is each week’s focus:
Plan for Worship
Healing and Renewal Service
“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up (James 5:14).” Peace is offering a Prayer, Healing and Renewal Service on the first Sundays of the month at 9 am. This month’s service will be on Sunday, February 6 at 9:00 am. Pastor Lucke and the elders want to address your concerns, pains and challenges with prayer and the Lord’s promises. We’ll be wearing masks and maintaining physical distancing. The service itself is brief lasting 20 minutes.
Men’s Breakfast
These are trying times!! Plans are tentative now as to whether there will be a Men’s Breakfast on February 5th. Please stay tuned for updates as to whether we will be able to hold a First Saturday Breakfast or not? Check the Sunday bulletins and emails that will keep everyone posted as to what is happening. Pray that this corona virus will be brought under control so we can once again meet without concerns of spreading the virus. Oscar Gutbrod.
Hope For Healing Seminar
Peace is hosting a mental health seminar conducted by Compassion Ministries on Saturday, February 12th from 9-1:30 pm, Please arrive at the seminar between 8:30-9:00am to receive your seminar packet. Lunch will be provided by Peace. Please pre-register using the bulletin insert by Wednesday February 9th or just e-mail Daniel with your name, address, e-mail, and phone number to be included in the seminar.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
All (both men and women) are welcome for a Wednesday morning Bible Study on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. We’re keeping it simple to start. We’ll be looking at the Epistle Reading for the coming Sunday. Some time will be given to explain details of the text and some time will be given for discussion primarily around these questions:
- What is this passage saying about God?
- What is this passage saying about me?
- What is the good news in this passage?
Bring your Bibles and an open mind. Here are the passages for this month:

Live Streaming Update
Thanks to the fine work of audio/visual team, we are now able to live stream the service on YouTube that provides a better-quality streaming experience. The link you will find in Daniel’s e-mail and on Facebook should take you to the YouTube video. If you use YouTube regularly, we encourage you to subscribe to the channel, so you get notified of new posts. To find our channel, go to the search window on the YouTube site and type in ‘Peace Lutheran Church Philomath Oregon’ and you should be able to find it. If you have trouble, please contact Daniel or Oscar.
Free At-Home COVID Test Kits
Home COVID tests are now available at no cost to most Americans, as part of the White House administration’s effort to increase testing around the United States. Available now, you can go to to order free tests. There is no shipping costs, and people won’t need to provide a credit card number to file an order. There’s a limit of four tests per household. The tests are expected to ship within seven to 12 days of your order. The U.S. Postal Service plans to use up to 7,000 temporary workers to ship the test kits, many of them holiday workers being held over for the new project, Reuters reports. Still, demand may have peaked by the time tests are delivered.
Red Cross Blood Drive
The American Red Cross is facing a national blood crisis – its worst blood shortage in over a decade, posing a concerning risk to patient care. Doctors have been forced to make difficult decisions about who receives blood transfusions and who will need to wait until more products become available. Blood and platelet donations are critically needed to help prevent further delays in vital medical treatments.
As an incentive, one lucky winner will receive a trip to LA to watch the 2022 Super Bowl at SOFI stadium if you donate in January. Additionally, the Red Cross is offering a $10 Amazon gift card to anyone who donates in February.
Our next Red Cross Blood Drive at Peace is coming up on February 16. There are only a few spots available, but there are many blood drives in the local area. We will also need volunteers to provide yummy treats and, of course, for prayers for a successful blood drive.
Upcoming Regional Vax Events
Benton County
Benton County Fairgrounds, 110 SW 53rd St, Corvallis
• January 31 – February 11, 2022
• 11:00 am to 6:00 pm every day •
• Drive thru
Linn County
Linn Benton Community College, 6500 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany
• February 13 – 28, 2022
• 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm every day
• All COVID-19 vaccines
• Ages 5 years and over
• No appointment needed, drop-in welcome
Lincoln County
La Juquilita, 312 Sw Coast Hwy, Newport (CSC sponsored event)
• February 4, 2022
• 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
• Ages 5 years and over
• No appointment needed, drop-in welcome
La Guadalupana 2154 NE HWY 101, Lincoln City (CSC sponsored event)
• February 21, 2022
• 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
• Ages 5 years and over
• No appointment needed, drop-in welcome
Upcoming Benton Co Pediatric Vax Events
Alsea School, 301 South 3rd Street
• February 1, from 4:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Monroe High School, 365 N 5th Street
• February 2, from 3:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Cheldelin Middle School, 987 NE Conifer Blvd.
• Friday, February 4, from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
• Only the Pfizer vaccine (for 5 years or older) will be available
Altar Flowers
ALTAR FLOWERS give glory to God, beautify the sanctuary, and may commemorate an important person or event in your life. You are invited to join this tradition of Peace Lutheran and churches through the ages. Fresh cut flowers represent the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ for our salvation.
Fresh flowers or flowering plants are used for their symbolism of life, joy, and human frailty — thus eliminating the use of artificial flowers in the worship space.
You can give flowers for many reasons: in memory of loved ones who have died, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other important event in your life or theirs — or in thanks to God for a blessing…. or simply to give glory to God. When you give the flowers, your commemoration is shared with the congregation in the worship bulletin.
After the service, the flowers are yours to take home. They will continue to glorify God and will beautify your home, or you may share them with family and friends.
Sign up for a Sunday on the Flower Chart in the narthex, giving your name and your commemoration.
Thank you for giving glory to God, beautifying the sanctuary, and sharing your commemoration with us!
Lovingly Planted Fund
Purpose of the fund:
This fund was created for the sole purpose of helping family or loved ones of a deceased person have the financial resources for burial, so they don’t have to choose cremation. Some people have enough money to have their loved one’s body cremated, but they don’t have enough money for a less violent disposition of the body. This fund is to bridge the gap so that last wishes for lovingly caring for the body can be honored.
Biblical basis for the fund:
The Bible speaks of “lovingly planting” the body of a loved one in the same way one would sow or plant a seed. And what you sow is not the body that is to be, but a bare kernel, perhaps of wheat or of some other grain. But God gives it a body as he has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body. What is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. 1 Corinthians 37-38, 42b-44
Guidelines for dispersing funds:
Peace Lutheran Church in Philomath is called, emailed, or visited. The caller, writer, or visitor is put in touch with the pastor or an elder of the church. The need is expressed. The pastor and elders make the decision. Up to $3,500.00 is granted depending upon the expressed need, and the availability of funds. The church treasurer writes a check to the appropriate funeral home.
Note: The deceased person and the family or loved ones of the deceased person need not be Lutheran or a member of the church. The funds are available for anyone in need.
Guidelines for donating to the fund:
Make out checks to “Peace Lutheran Church,” and at the bottom of the check write “for Lovingly Planted Fund.” Send it or drop it off to Philomath Peace Lutheran Church.
For cash donations, put money in an envelope. On the outside of the envelope write: “To Peace Lutheran Church, for Lovingly Planted Fund.” Drop it off at the church.
Checks and cash are the preferred method for donations. If you would like to donate through a different method, arrangements can be made with the Pastor or an elder of the church.
Typical funeral costs:
McHenry Funeral Home and DeMoss-Durdan Funeral Home are the two funeral homes in Corvallis, and they are owned by the same people. Margie Davenport took the information about the Lovingly Planted Fund to all the appropriate staff at both funeral homes. She is a good contact person if help is needed.
A basic cremation at McHenry’s or DeMoss-Durdan’s costs $2500.00 including an inexpensive urn, the state filing fee, and no death certificates.
If however, one wants a burial instead of a cremation, the price goes up. The most inexpensive burial at one of these funeral homes is as follows:
1) Immediate Burial: 2-4 days after death. Includes transfer of the deceased to the funeral home, basic services of funeral directors and staff, and transfer to the cemetery within 25 miles. $1895.00
2) Alternative Material Casket: Cloth covered oval top, ivory crepe interior. $995.00
3) Open/Close at cemetery: Removing the dirt from grave, lowering casket, replacing dirt. $995.00
4) Grave Plot: The land at the cemetery where the casket is put. $600.00
5) Marker or Headstone: A temporary marker is free and can last up to several years and the headstone can be bought later, an inexpensive one for $724.00
6) State Filing: Filing the death with the state is $20.00
7) Death Certificates: $25.00 each
The total price for this type of burial is $4505.00 with no headstone or death certificates. Or $5304.00 including a permanent headstone and three death certificates. So, a burial of this type is about $2000.00 to $3000.00 more than a basic cremation. This option does not include a funeral at the funeral home, or a graveside service provided from the funeral home.