From the Pastor
Dear Peace family,
I am thankful that Peace is getting back up to pace with our regular worship routines and happenings. Each month we’ve been adding something back to our life together as a congregation. In June (beginning June 5), we’ll be adding communion at the rail with the offering of individual cups and bread/gluten free bread.
I’d like to point to two goals that are on my mind as we think about this next step. First, it is important that distribution be done in a dignified manner. As you prepare to take communion at the rail, be looking for the direction from the ushers. They will guide you in the time and manner that you come forward. Once you take your place at the rail, wait for the Pastor to welcome you to the Lord’s table. Once the welcome has happened, you may stand or kneed to receive both the body of Christ (in the form of a wafer or gluten free wafer) and the blood of Christ (in the form of the individual cup). Finally, once the Pastor dismisses everyone at the rail, you are encouraged to stand, bow, and return to your seat.
Second, we need to be respectful of each other considering the different ways communion is received. Peace will continue to offer the communion package for those who prefer to stay seated during distribution. If this is your preference, you can pick up your communion package before the service begins from the table in the middle aisle (as you have been doing). You can also continue to commune with the communion package in your car while listening to the service online at 103.5 FM—elders will share the communion packages with you before the service begins. For those receiving communion in their car or in their pew, you will commune altogether with the people at the rail. Lutherans have historically had a wide range of ways regarding communion reception. Some receive the Sacrament kneeling. Some receive it by standing. Some receive it in a continuous method. Some receive it by going to a station. Some receive it by coming to the table or altar rail. Some receive the wine in a chalice or individual cup. Some receive the bread as a loaf or a wafer. It is important that we respect each person’s choice.
The power of receiving the Lord’s Supper is not based on the method one chooses in receiving the Sacrament. The power comes from recognizing who is the Host of the supper—Jesus—and what his sure promises are in receiving His body and blood.
Would you consider helping with communion set up and clean up? To move forward with this next step, the church is going to need more participation. Due to COVID restrictions, the church has had just a few people assisting with communion set up and clean up—thank you to Ellen and Janette for your dedication! If you’d like to serve in this most important way, please contact Dan. We will train and support you as you serve!
One last note— (if you so desire) bring your children with you when you commune at the rail. Even though they may not be ready to receive the Lord’s Supper, they can receive a blessing from the Pastor. How wonderful it is for children to know that they are loved and valued by the Lord!
In His Joy,
Pastor Lucke
Peace by the Numbers
Plan for Worship
June 5 – 11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary with communion. Pentecost Sunday. Confirmation Sunday
June 12 – 11:00 am Worship Service in the sanctuary followed by end of year picnic on the patio.
June 19 – 9:30 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary with communion. Note the change to summer hours.
June 26 – 9:30 am Worship Service on the patio followed by fellowship.
Adult Bible Study
Discipleship. You’ve probably heard that word but might not know what it means or how it can work in your own life. A quick google search of the word disciple reveals this definition: a follower or student of a teacher, leader, philosopher. Alicia and Pastor will be sharing some simple, reproducible ways that being a disciple of Jesus can be a reality for you here and now! We’ll unpack six memorable ways over six weeks about how to be a follower of Jesus. These sessions end on Sunday, June 12. We’ll have some fun with this—join us! The discussion will be at 9:45 am in the Fellowship Hall.
Summer Bible Study
All are welcome for Peace’s Summer Bible Study on Acts. Our sessions begin each Sunday morning at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. We are going to be reminded of the early struggle and excitement that existed in the early church. We will also discover what God would want us to hear from Him for daily living. Each session will begin with prayer and with the invitation for God to speak to us today. Here is the plan for each week in June:
- June 19 Jesus Changes Lives (Acts 2:29-47)
- June 26 We Are Witnesses (Acts 3:1-16)
- July 3 Tried and Tested (Acts 5:17-33)
Mark Your Calendars – Events this Summer
- Wednesday, June 29 at 7 pm……………………. Bryson and Friends on Peace’s Patio. All are invited to reconnect with Bryson for music and treats. We’ll even play a little game of Name that Tune. This is our way of reconnecting with Bryon AND showing him our love! Tips welcome!
- Tuesday, July 26 at 6:35 pm at Goss Stadium…………………. Peace Lutheran Church night at the Corvallis Knights. Come and enjoy a night with your friends at Peace at the ballpark. If you’d like to attend, speak with Pastor.
- Thursday, August 4 at 7:00 pm…………………….. John Cowens’ Presentation and Star-gazing. All are invited as we hear from our friend, John Cowens, about what is going on in the night sky. We’ll have some prizes and treats to share.
Ladies Guild News
The Ladies Guild is interested in having some classes at Peace. Perhaps a beginning painting class, a cooking class, wood carving, computer pointers, arts and crafts projects, etc. If you are willing to share your God given talents and bless the members of Peace with the opportunity to learn new skills, please let Ellen Holroyd know. Also, if you would like to suggest a class that we might be able to give let Ellen know.
We will be having a Star Gazing class this summer with emphasis on the Moon. watch for
more information on that coming soon.
End of Church Year Picnic
Please join us for a barbecue and picnic on Sunday, June 12, during Fellowship. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, ice cream and all the fixings will be provided. Games will be available for everyone. Invite a friend and siblings and join in the fun to bring in summer with a bang!
Men’s Breakfast: Trying Again!! – Mark your calendar for June 4th, time for the Peace First Saturday Breakfast. Topic this month will be from a friend of mine who is of the Baha’i faith. He is very knowledgeable in world faiths. He has taught classes and lectured comparing many of the world’s faith. Bring your questions. We are planning on having pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs. Coffee on at 8:00, breakfast served at 8:30 and discussion 9 – 10. Always looking for helpers in the kitchen, let me know if you can help. Please let me know whether you will be attending, helps in getting enough food for all. Oscar Gutbrod, [email protected] 541-231-3954
The Red Cross blood shortage is getting better thanks to the many doners this spring; however, supplies are still low. Please consider helping by donating blood this month. There are many available locations to donate in our area and the next blood drive at Peace will be Friday, June 24 and there are still a few slots left. Homemade goodies and very much appreciated by the donors. They can be brought to the church any time from June 19 through noon on the 24th. Thanks for your support.
Clayton Bentsen’s Statement of Faith
Jesus has been my foundation since I was very little, and it has never been stronger. The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 28:7, “The Lord will ensure that your enemies are defeated before you. They come against you in one way and run away from you in seven ways.” According to this verse, the Lord is always with us and guides us, and breaks obstacles in the way he wants us to go. I can have confidence that I am not alone, and that God will protect me.
The reason I chose Deuteronomy 28:7 is because I know that God doesn’t want me to give into temptations. When my faith is questioned or attacked, I will stand with God and never surrender to evil. Even if it is hard, I believe God will give me the strength to move ahead and stay on the right and narrow path. I hope that others would do the same and stand up to false ideas. May God protect and bless all those whom he has called.
Lastly, I would like to thank Pastor Lucke and Vicar Dollar for teaching me. I will also thank my mom and dad for helping me with memorization.
Hosting an Exchange Student
The World Heritage Exchange program needs someone in our community who would be interested in working with a high school exchange student next school year. Laura is a great kid from Germany who has been accepted by the high school, but the current host is unable to continue due to health issues. An Exchange Program representative would conduct a home screen, complete an orientation for the student and host family, and check-in with them monthly. There is no cost to you and the Exchange Program provides all materials and training. It is a very rewarding experience, and you get the chance to meet someone from another country. The reimbursement for this position is $750. There is a $250 bonus if you can apply, take the training, and do the home screen by June 1st. If you’re interested or know someone who might be please contact Daniel for more information.
Here is Laura’s information: Age 17, Languages: German, English, French, Siblings: Two brothers; Mother: Administrative Assistant; Father: Self Employed.
Interests: Ballet club, rural youth club, swimming, badminton, acrylic painting, cycling, snorkeling, beach volleyball, skiing, reading, in line skating, ice skating, athletics
*Scholarship recipient* Laura is from a small village in Bavaria where there is a Rural Youth group (think 4H) that she participates in. Together, they plan festivals and do other things together. Laura has been dancing ballet for 13 years and really likes her dance group. She considers herself sporty and would like to try new sports. With her friends, Laura enjoys meeting for coffee, swimming, or playing beach volleyball. Laura discovered she enjoys painting with acrylics during quarantine. At home, she lives with her parents and two brothers. She has a good relationship with them, and with her grandparents. “We don’t have any animals and admittedly I am a bit afraid of dogs that bark all the time.” Laura can’t wait to get to know you.
Helping Out a Neighbor in Need
On Monday, April 11, 2022, at approximately 12:30 am on Hawley Creek Rd in Monroe, OR, Diane Heitmeyer’s cousins, Jeff, Sue, and their 6-year-old daughter, Athena, tragically lost their home, pets, and possessions to a house fire. They sustained minor injuries but are otherwise okay.
As the Chadwicks are the first to assist in times of need, we now have the opportunity as a community to reciprocate their kindness and generosity. It would be AMAZING to see the community band together to help them through this difficult time.
Since the fire has taken their home and belongings, any amount contributed to help mitigate their loss and build anew would be deeply appreciated. Also, PLEASE SHARE this fundraiser with others to spread the word! Thank you all so much for the love and support!
If you would like to contribute, or know of someone who would, the GoFundMe account
may be accessed here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/chadwick-house-fire.
Extending Peace Within the Community
The EXTENDING PEACE committee has some great news to share. We were gifted a significant amount of money by the Bethel Lutheran Church in Sweet Home, Oregon to help others in our community. Our committee has been tasked with how and where to use the money to honor the people of Bethel Lutheran Church, who have recently had to close their doors after 75 years.
We will keep you all updated as we receive council approval for the projects that our committee deems appropriate for this mission. At this time, we have 4 projects that we have chosen to receive some of this money:
$100 monthly gift for one-year:
1) Philomath Community Services
2) Love, INC
3) Peace Lutheran Backpack Ministry
$3500 One-time gift:
1) To Philomath Community Services to pay for a cover to protect and extend the life of an
outside walk-in cooler.
What an honor it is to be God’s hands in helping others! You can help by praying for the committee to make the best choices for the future. Thank you for sharing our Joy!
Thank You Notes from Our Ministry Partners
Do you ever wonder if our Ministry Partners appreciate the support we provide to them? Here are some examples of the organizations that Peace has supported over the last couple of months.