Dear friends in Christ,
Jesus once told a story that compared two men (Matthew 21). The first built his house upon a rock. The second built his house upon sand. Jesus went on to explain the real difference between the two. The man who built his house on the rock was a person who heard and did what Jesus taught. The man who built his house on sand was a person who just heard what Jesus taught—he was not moved to action. You probably best know this story from the song we sing with the children!
I think I speak for everyone in the Peace family by saying that we have the hearing part down. The Scriptures are read each Sunday—we listen. Special music is presented with meaningful words—we attentively pay attention. Daily devotions are read in our homes—we read the words sometimes twice or three times to make sure that we understand them just right. Hearing is not so much the problem. The problem is that we are not always doers of what Jesus says.
Hearing and doing Jesus’ teaching are going to be the focus for the Peace family as we participate in the Red Letter Challenge over the season of Lent. I am excited to approach Jesus’ Words in a personally challenging way—I hope you are too. To best participate, you will want to do the following:
- Purchase a Red Letter Challenge book from Callie—the cost is $10.
- Spend 15 minutes each day reading and journaling in the book beginning Ash Wednesday, February 26.
- Attend the Adult Bible Study sessions on Sunday morning at 9:45 am on March 1, March 8, March 15, March 22, March 29 and April 5. Our youth too will be looking at material as well from the Red Letter Challenge.
- Have an open heart to act on what Jesus is guiding you to do.
I’d also like to share the main goals of the Red Letter Challenge:
- A deeper relationship with Jesus.
- The receiving of God’s forgiveness in your life and the giving of God’s grace to others.
- Gaining a greater desire for service.
- Increasing the spiritual discipline of generosity.
- Gaining confidence in the ability to share about what Jesus has done for you.
Habits don’t form overnight. They slowly develop after repeated, intentional choices are made and then lived. What a blessing it would be if these goals became habits! This is Jesus’ desire for you!
This is Jesus’ desire for me! I look forward to entering into this time with you with an open heart to hear and then do what Jesus teaches.
In Jesus’ Joy,
Pastor J
Thoughts from the Vicar
The Tradition Continues
Another Year – Another Men’s Shelter Week Done!
Peace has once again partnered with the Corvallis Men’s Shelter from February 9th to February 15th, by covering an entire week of Volunteering. That’s 7 Evenings; 55 warm beds, 68½ combined hours, and 315 total meals. That’s no small feat!
Volunteers from Peace filled many different roles at the shelter – from serving food at dinner time to overnight staff-support! Each-and-every role is essential to the smooth operation of the shelter, so a big Thank You to everyone who spent a few hours for an evening (or two or even three) helping. The Corvallis Men’s Shelter is a wonderful and organized ministry partner, but it needs volunteers to keep things running well. Thanks be to God that Peace was able to help! We were even joined by members of other Churches in the area making this a community-wide effort!
It was a joy to partner with an organization making a difference in our community. The staff was helpful. The Guests were respectful and appreciative. Working with volunteers from other groups was a lot of fun; and it was truly amazing to see restaurant after restaurant stop by to drop off food for the Guests! There was even a Valentine’s Day Feast organized by the 92 year old mother of a Staff Member. Amazing things can happen when everyone pitches in just a little bit to support those who need it the most, so I am proud to say that Peace was able to help.
Thinking back on the time spent serving at the Shelter, I am reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:40, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” Serving our neighbors in need is not simply something nice to do (though it most certainly is a nice thing to do!), but it is fundamental to who we are as God’s people. When we interact in love towards those who are different than us – either in looks, or speech, or life situation – we are not just meeting the needs of a stranger: we are serving Jesus.
Thank you again to everyone who help out during Men’s Shelter Week. If you didn’t get a chance to jump in this year, keep your eyes peeled for it next year. You can also talk to Vicar Dollar or Oscar Gutbrod to see how you can get plugged even earlier. Men’s Shelter Week here at Peace may be over – but there still plenty of need in our Community to serve the least of these!
God’s Peace,
Vicar Dollar
Peace by the Number
As you walk through the hallway to the Fellowship Hall, stop, take time, and sign up to help with set-up, soup, bread, or cookies for the soup suppers during Lent. The suppers are every Wednesday starting February 26 through April 1. We need your assistance and willingness to help! Thank you to all who have already signed up
Lent & Holy Week Schedules
Alternate Definitions to Words
Coffee, n. The person upon whom one coughs.
Flabbergasted, adj. Appalled by discovering how much weight one has gained.
Abdicate, v. To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
Negligent, adj. Absentmindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.
Disaster Preparedness
We find ourselves in the middle of the flu season. In fact, this morning I saw an article with the headline that 26 million Americans have the flu right now. Additionally, we have all seen the news about the Corona Virus from China. So, what can we do to keep ourselves healthy? Here are some tips from the Center for Disease Control to avoid not only the flu, but other viruses as well.
1) The single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year. It’s not too late to get it done this year and it’s typically free (or low cost) with most health insurance programs or Medicare.
2) Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.
3) Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. This will help prevent spreading your illness to others.
4) Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. Flu and other serious respiratory illnesses, like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), whooping cough, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), are spread by cough, sneezing, or unclean hands. If you don’t have something to cover your mouth with, cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
5) Clean your hands. Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. One doctor once told me you should be able to sing the ‘Happy Birthday’ twice song while washing your hands.
6) Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
7) Practice other good health habits. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Disinfect your cellular phone – according to Seattle Times journalist Bobby Caina Calvan, your mobile phone is covered in germs: 25,127 bacteria per square inch, to be precise. This makes cell phones one of the dirtiest objects we come in contact with every day. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food and consider taking vitamins.
Considerations for Preventing Flu at School:
- Find out about plans your child’s school, childcare program, or college has if an outbreak of flu or another illness occurs and whether flu vaccinations are offered on-site.
- Make sure your child’s school, childcare program, or college routinely cleans frequently touched objects and surfaces, and that they have a good supply of tissues, soap, paper towels, alcohol-based hand rubs, and disposable wipes on-site.
- Ask how sick students and staff are separated from others and who will care for them until they can go home.
Considerations for Preventing Flu at Work:
- Find out about your employer’s plans if an outbreak of flu or another illness occurs and whether flu vaccinations are offered on-site.
- Routinely clean frequently touched objects and surfaces, including doorknobs, keyboards, and phones, to help remove germs.
- Make sure your workplace has an adequate supply of tissues, soap, paper towels, alcohol-based hand rubs, and disposable wipes.
- Train others on how to do your job so they can cover for you in case you or a family member gets sick and you must stay home.
- If you begin to feel sick while at work, go home as soon as possible.
There are no reported cases of Corona Virus in Oregon. However, according to the CDC, the ways to prevent contracting Corona Virus (also known as COVID-19) is exactly the same as the steps listed above. More information is available on the CDC website:
Recommended items to acquire in March 2020 to build your Preparedness Kit:
1) Cell phone and charger. Most of us already have a cellular phone. Do you have an extra charger and charging cable? Does your car have a charging port (USB port)? Consider getting an extra cable or even an external power bank. There are many different ones on the market and some even have small solar panels to charge them from the sun.
2) Radio – battery powered or hand crank. It’s a good idea to have access to a battery powered radio. In the event of an extreme emergency, radio will still be used extensively to broadcast important information. If the power is out, you won’t be able to use your TV and if your phone is inoperable, radio may be your next best choice. If you have battery powered radio, make sure the batteries are good and you have an extra set. Another great option is a radio that is powered by a hand crank.
3) Flashlight and extra batteries. Have you ever experienced a power outage at night and struggled to find a flashlight? Now imagine getting that flashlight only to find the batteries are dead. Consider having a good flashlight and extra batteries. Maybe even keep one in each room in your house and in your car. If you don’t want lots of batteries, some new flashlights can be charged with a USB charger, however, if you don’t have a source of power in your house or vehicle, once that flashlight is depleted, it will be of no value so I still recommend keeping at least one or two flashlights that operate on batteries.
LWML – MITE Box put to work
Restoring Hope for Detroit Children and Families
Camp Restore Detroit
Camp Restore does not work for our community, but alongside our community. We follow a community asset-based approach to ministry. We take our lead from community members and work together to accomplish shared goals.
Our dorm rooms are ready and waiting for campers! We have beds for 93 volunteers and can house more when the opportunity arises.
Detroit has experienced economic disaster and leads the nation with 57.3% of their children living in poverty without food or opportunity. Camp Restore Detroit provides a safe nurturing Christ-centered place for these children, their families, and other adults. This camp provides a place for the children to come and learn about God’s love as they participate in art, theatre, and music classes and receive homework help while receiving assistance with basic educational and developmental skills. Additionally, adults are offered parenting, finance, and resume building classes. This grant will fund the renovation of two previously abandoned houses into community outreach centers, along with the house furnishings and outreach materials.
WHEREAS, Christ has charged us in His Holy Word to share the Gospel and minister to the poor; and
WHEREAS, Detroit has experienced economic disaster, leading the nation with 57.3% of the children living in poverty without food or opportunity; and WHEREAS, Camp Restore Detroit has found a need within the community to provide a safe, nurturing Christ Centered place for these children, their families, and other adults to come where children can learn about God’s love as they participate in art, theater, and music classes, and receive homework help while receiving assistance with basic educational development, while parents and other adults will have additional opportunities to participate in classes on subjects such as parenting, finances, resume building as well as joining small groups; and
WHEREAS, with much renovation, there is an opportunity to use previously abandoned houses to fulfill this need; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the delegates gathered at the 2019 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention in Mobile, Alabama, vote the sum of $100,000 to help fund Restoring Hope for Detroit Children and Families.
Tables of Peace
There is a small group fellowship opportunity coming to you in May. The small groups, of about 8 people, meet at one of the group members’ homes, or at the church, for a meal followed by a short discussion topic. The signup sheet is for you to indicate whether you are interested in being part of a group or if you would like to host a group. The host is not responsible for the entire meal because it is a potluck style gathering. You don’t even have to host in your home; you can coordinate meeting at a restaurant or at the church. It is totally up to you. The sheet for signup is on the Bulletin board in the Fellowship Hallway.
Tables of Peace is and has been a wonderful way for church members, friends of the church or new attendees to get to know each other better.
Saying Thank You
A wise person once told me that it is “Never too late to say Thank You!”
January 30th, 2020 was the one-year anniversary of a dramatic, life changing event for me. At the risk of over-sharing, I had an aortic aneurysm resulting in a super-fast ambulance ride to OHSU, a 7 hour surgery, absolutely wonderful doctors and nurses, family and friends.
I know I was in God’s hands and that he’s not done with me yet. So first and foremost, I thank God every day for Every Day!
So many people from Peace sent cards, flowers and plants. Some folks just stopped by to visit and some brought food from the Peace freezer. Tony and I are so grateful for all of the efforts of so many folks. I may have said thank you before but I feel compelled to do so again…Thank you everyone from the bottom of my re-furbished heart! ~ Karla Mendoza
Volunteer in Philomath
If anyone is interested in volunteering at Lupe’s Community Garden, part of Philomath Community Services (PCS), please contact Lindy Young at 541-929-5868 or email: [email protected]. Volunteers can learn how to grow veggies and fruit and they may harvest any of the fruit and veggies growing there.
The new bible study has started – Day 1 was February 26 Ash Wednesday! You can still get your book from Callie, in the Church Office, for $10.
Each Sunday we will go through what was read in the week prior. This “challenge” to read the red letters of the Bible has become a national and International best seller. Along with our church, 57 churches in the U.S. and 5 churches in Australia are starting the Red Letter Challenge around the same time! Everyone doing the bible study is connected via Facebook and Instagram. In fact, if you would like to share a pic of your study time or would like to see how other churches are doing just search the hashtag #redletterchallenge. We are doing this 41 day journey with many others!
Come to the office and get a book as soon as you are able!
Ladies Guild is looking for someone to bring 1 or 2 Easter Lilies to help decorate the altar for Easter. Please contact Peggy Krueger to sign up. We need 10 plants. Cell: 541-602-1890 or [email protected].