From the Pastor
Dear friends,
Availability is a spiritual gift! Bob Goff highlights this truth when he writes a couple of startling statements in his 2020 book, “Dream Big”:
- “Availability is the most reliable predictor of engagement, and engagement is the most reliable predictor of success.”
- “People don’t follow vision, they follow availability.”
Two boys once figured out how important availability was. The two boys I am referring to were the ones who followed Jesus and ended up giving their two lunches so that 5,000 people could eat. It probably wasn’t on their minds that morning that they’d be a part of one of the greatest miracles ever to happen. I imagine that they didn’t even make their own lunches—their moms packed it all together! To this day we don’t know the boy’s names—or their mother’s. But their story has been repeated generation after generation ever since. What did the boys and their moms do that was so spectacular? They were available. They made what they had available. Jesus did the rest.
The Benedictine tradition understood the importance of availability. Monks in a monastery had a lot of chores to accomplish. Each monk took on specific duties so that the monastery operated smoothly. One of the important duties was the “porter.” The porter was to go outside of the monastery to the city gate early in the morning in order to connect with travelers in the area. The porters one responsibility was to greet people. I imagine that the porter would say things like this: “What are your plans for the day?” “Are there any questions that you have?” “There’s a great inn and restaurant down the road!” The whole point of the porter was to take an interest in people and make themselves available.
The spiritual gifting of availability needs more attention in Christian churches and the community these days. Why? It’s troubling to hear about just how much time is being absorbed on screens these days. According to, the average per day usage of mobile devise is 3 hours and 30 minutes! That’s not all. The average day usage looking at computers per day? It’s 3 hours and 34 minutes. Put it together and this means that over 7 hours of our day are spent on screens. These numbers don’t even account for screen time for television.
Availability is one of the strongest aspects of our church family. When people ask me why it is that Peace grows the way that it does, my first response is, of course, the Holy Spirit. I’ll often say that members make themselves available. I see people stay after worship to connect and catch up from the last week. I see people making themselves available to help each other out with rides. I see people genuinely interested in other people. This goes a long way in a culture starved for connection.
We’re celebrating Easter at the end of this month. Easter is what it is all about. Jesus’ overcoming death means that we will too. We also hold onto Jesus’ final promise as he left: “I am with you always until the very end of the age (Matthew 28:20).” Jesus was communicating his availability. This comforts us each day that we live!
Easter Blessings,
Pastor J
Peace by the Numbers
Plan for Worship
March 3 – 10:00am Worship Service with Communion
March 6 – 5:00pm Soup Supper Followed by Lent Service
March 10 – 10:00am Worship Service
March 13 – 5:00pm Soup Supper followed by Lent Service
March 17 – 10:00am Worship Service with Communion
March 20 – 5:00pm Soup Supper followed by Lent Service
March 24 – 10:00am Worship Service – Palm Sunday
March 28 – 6:00pm Seder Meal (Maundy Thursday)
March 29 – 7:00pm Good Friday Service March 31 – 10:00am Easter Service
Midweek Lent Services
Our journey in Lent continues in March. All are invited for Peace’s midweek Lent services. We’ll gather at 5 pm for Soup Suppers with worship to follow at 6 pm. The worship will be Holden Evening Prayer with a devotion based on the seven letters to the seven church in the Book of Revelation. Here is the plan for each night:
- March 7: Thyatira–Revelation 2:18-29. Is there a danger to watering down the faith or compromising it just so that more people can take part?
- March 14: Sardis–Revelation 3:1-6. How has regret held you back from living a full life?
- March 21: Philadelphia–Revelation 3:7-13. A bumper sticker says, “In case of rapture, the driver of the car will disappear.” How would you respond in light of what this passage says?
- March 28: Seder Meal
- March 29: (Good Friday): Laodicea–Revelation 3:14-22. What is the danger of having a lukewarm faith?
Ladies Guild Update
“Our mission: To build community and fellowship through spiritual, social and charitable activities in Corvallis and Philomath through missions o LWML.”
Greetings! March brings sunshine, daffodils, and Easter. In preparation for Holy week, we will be helping to present a symbolic Seder meal on March 28 at 6:00pm followed by Holy Communion in the Sanctuary. We want you all to come and enjoy this beautiful remembrance. We want to have enough food for everyone, so please sign up on the sheets posted on the bulletin board going into the Fellowship Hall. If you are coming, or if you want to participate, please consider choosing an item to bring from the list posted. These items need to be in the kitchen by March 21, and labeled for the Seder meal. But there’s more! We need helpers, Helpers in the kitchen to work with Ellen to prepare the plates; helpers in the Sanctuary to set up the tables and work with Janette and finally, helpers to clean up after Communion. If you can help, there is also a sign-up sheet for this on the bulletin board or you can contact Ellen Holroyd, Janette Payne, or Peggy Krueger. Thank you in advance.
Peggy Krueger, Guild President
Preparing for Easter
HE HAS RISEN Easter Service is March 31 beginning at 10 a.m. followed by Easter fellowship (No Sunday School). Please consider bringing finger foods only so that we can have an easy cleanup. The Easter egg hunt for children through 6th grade will immediately following the church service, around 11:15.
Every year a wooden cross is placed at the entrance to the church, and it is decorated with cut flowers. Please bring cut flowers to help decorate the cross anytime on Good Friday up until Saturday at noon when the cross will be decorated. Flowers can be placed in the buckets of water in front of the church. Be looking in your yard and think about contributing flowers.
Plastic eggs will be available for people to take home and fill with goodies for the Easter egg hunt—candy, stickers, money, anything fun that can fit in an egg.
And last, please consider bringing an Easter lily to church to help decorate the Sanctuary. Place them in the kitchen on the counter.
Men’s Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast: Men, come and enjoy another breakfast with your fellow Christian friends. Pastor Eric Bohlmann will be the lead speaker. We will be meeting on Saturday, March 2nd at Benchwarmers Bar & Grill (1895 NW 9th Street in Corvallis).Breakfast at 8:30 and discussion at 9:00 – 10:00. Start your day off right and attend!
Let’s Take a Snow Day
Peace Lutheran Church Snow Day!
Join us on March 26 for a snow day at Willamette Pass! You can downhill ski, cross country ski, snowshoe, and play in the snow. You are also welcome to spend the day in the lodge enjoying fellowship and gorgeous views. We plan to meet up for lunch and hot chocolate midday. Reach out if you would like help with transportation. Please contact Rachel Harrington or Anne Schroder if you want to join in the fun.
Red Cross Blood Drive
A big thank you from the donors and staff at the February blood drive for the cookies they were very much appreciated. Cheryl was very appreciative of all the help she received for her first drive. Our next blood drive is Friday, April 19th. Once again if you can donate blood, snacks, or prayers for this life saving cause.
Explaining Holy Week
Palm Sunday — March 24th at 10 am. Palm Sunday begins Holy Week. On this day we process forward with palm branches in order to reenact Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (see Luke 19:37-40). A word you will hear often in this service is “hosanna.” “Hosanna” is a transliteration of the Hebrew phrase that expresses the plea “Lord, save us”—a cry of joyful hope. Come, wave your palm branch and celebrate Jesus—the Victorious King!
Seder Meal — March 28th at 6 pm with Holy Communion. The seder, a festive holiday meal, means “order.” It is called this because the meal is done in a certain order which takes us from slavery to freedom. The Haggadah- which means “the telling” – is the book used at the Passover seder. The Haggadah explains the foods on the seder plate, recounts the highlights of the Exodus, and includes songs, prayers, questions, and vignettes. Seders are meant to be low-key and fun. Questions are welcome and a lighthearted spirit is in order. After all, we are celebrating that we’re not slaves anymore! At the seder, we can rejoice, take our time, and ponder the questions of freedom and service to God.
Good Friday — March 29th at 7 pm. What is so good about Good Friday? Come and find out! This is an austere and simple service that focusses on the fulfillment of God’s promises in Christ Jesus’ death—the full payment for our sins—that’s why Good Friday is “good.” At Peace we recognize this in a personal way. Each participant receives a nail at the beginning of worship that can then be placed into the cross on the narthex at the conclusion of the service. This reminds us that our debt has been paid by Jesus’ death.
Easter — March 31st at 10 am with Holy Communion. Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus did not remain in the tomb, but rose from the tomb and lives. This is a day of celebration! We will welcome back our church choir to sing some powerful Easter songs. When the pastor says, “Alleluia. Christ is risen”, be ready to reply, “He is risen indeed! Alleluia.” This is our way of saying, “Jesus wins and so do we!”
Book Swap & Author Talk
Mark your calendar: Saturday, April 13 at 11:00 am- 12:30pm. This is a free event for the ladies of Peace as well as any friends/community members or interested parties. What is this? Bring 3 paperback books of any genre that you enjoyed but are willing to part with. We will exchange these books for others that people bring. ALSO: Christina Suzann Nelson, an award-winning author from here in Philomath will be speaking to us about her writing. She has won the Christy Award, a national award for books focusing on faith in contemporary culture. She is a great speaker and has some special ties for some of the former teachers here at Peace. We will also be having a salad potluck at this event. Please bring a salad to share, 3 used/read paperback books to swap (any genre). Please mark your calendar for this exciting event. See Diane for additional information.
New Little Lending Library Coming Soon
Our little library is in the process of being rebuilt. The new one will certainly be a nice upgrade. However, we are in need of new books. Time and weather have taken a toll on the books that were in there. Please consider donating books once again to our little “community” library. Thank You!
Bible Study Continues
David Leding continues our brief look into the Book of Revelation. This book has caused much confusion and is mostly ignored by readers of the Bible and most preaching. Even though it often is not read due to the complexity of the material we do in fact use it often in our worship of God in our church service. Consider our communion service when we sing, This Is the Feast of Victory for our God! Here is a partial list of common hymns we sing that have strong echoes of Revelation:
- “Holy, Holy, Holy”
- “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name”
- “Crown Him with Many Crowns”
- “For All the Saints”
- “Battle Hymn of the Republic”
- “Shall We Gather at the River”
- “Hallelujah Chorus” Hansel’s Messiah
Thus, we can see that this wonderful book has been part of our Worship for many years. And that is a principal idea to constantly keep in mind as we read this book, it is a book of worship!
The objective of this study is to not be a definitive study but to excite you and stimulate you to dig deeper. We don’t have time to cover the book in detail but hopefully you will, on your own, undertake your own deep dive into this book of John’s. An additional goal is to give you a working knowledge of how to read and understand the complexity and symbolism found in Revelation.
This study is going to require work on your part. To read the book fully before the study begins. And read it again each week paying attention to the outline provided. Along with this study Pastor is going to preach on the seven letters to the churches in Asia Minor during our Lent services. We will touch on this briefly during the course of study but not in any depth. When you read and study ask yourself this question. How can Revelation speak to us as 21 Century Christians?
Study Plan
- March 3 – Revelation 6.1 to 11.9
- March 10 – Revelation 12.1 to 18.8
- March 17 – Revelation 18.9 to 22.21
- March 24 – Wrap up discussion and questions.
After preparing for this study, this book of John is now one of my favorites!
- Book of Revelation from the Bible
- “Come Lord Jesus, a Study of Revelation” by Mark Braaten
- “Revelation for Everyone” by N.T. Wright
- “Revelation & the End of All Things” by Craig R. Koster
New Church Council
The new Church Council was installed on February 18. Thank you for serving at Peace.
- Todd Muhly, President
- Elaine Schwartz, Vice-Pres.
- Rick Durling, Elder
- Kay Glathar, Elder
- Oscar Gutbrod, Elder
- Dave Leding, Elder
- Merv Munster, Elder
- Lindy Young, Secretary
- George Abele, Treasurer
- Kathy Durling, Parish Nurse
- Karyn Stanley, Sunday School Superintendent
- Anne Schroeder, Sunday School Superintendent
- Tim Ewing, Trustee
- Janette Payne, Trustee
- Brian Santora, Trustee
- Mark Koeppe, Trustee
- Sally Stouder, Ladies Guild
Welcome New Members
On February 11 we welcomed 18 new members to our Peace Family. We are so glad you are here.
- Harrington Family – Ryan, Rachel, Seamus, and Ellie
- Schroeder Family – Patrick, Anne, Archer, Wilson, and Sylvie
- Mark Nicholson
- Jon & Lou Ann Mergl
- Merry Lowe
- Kathy Hanna
- Matthew & Sophia Snyder
- Patricia Hawke
- Johnathan Holroyd
Passing of Kathy DeYoung
Kathy Ann DeYoung
September 7, 1952 – February 4, 2024
RICHLAND – Kathy DeYoung took her final breath on February 4, 2024, after fighting an illness that had already compromised her health and vitality over the last couple of years.
Kathy was a beautiful and vibrant person; a successful businesswoman and CPA; an entrepreneur well-known and respected in the nonprofit community throughout Oregon for her work training nonprofit board members; an active member of her church and of Rotary.
Until her illness, Kathy took joy in fine food (“did someone say shrimp?”), in festive gatherings (party favors, flowers, balloons. and streamers always apropos), in family, in design and order, and in her faith. She took delight and chuckled easily at things inane, things absurd, things wonderful, and things surprising.
Kathy was born Katherine Ann Jancaric on September 7, 1952. She grew up in Riverdale Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, with her siblings Walter and Sylvia. She also grew up with a boy named Bruce De Young, who she met in grade school and who would eventually become her husband, father to her children, and life-long helpmeet. Kathy graduated in 1974 from Augustana College with a degree in Accounting and Business Administration. Kathy and Bruce began their young family in Upstate New York and Long Island, before moving to Oregon.
Kathy is survived by her husband, Bruce, daughter, Jen, and her husband, Michael Ortiz, son, Nate, and his wife Jamie, and by 3 grandsons. She is also survived by her sister, Sylvia Potts and brother, Walter Jancaric, who, with his wife Janet, oversaw Kathy’s care in her final days when she was no longer able to do so.
Kathy made her world a better place. She was loved by many and will be missed.
Thank You from a Couple of Our Mission Partners
Camp Lutherwood Oregon is open to all people for year-round camps, retreats, outdoor school, and events. We are located on 72 beautifully forested acres in the foothills of the Coast Range. As a not-for-profit organization, we are committed to serving people of all ages through our programs, facilities, and staff. Camp Lutherwood is an association of Lutheran congregations in Oregon and Southwest Washington.
Our mission: Camp Lutherwood Oregon creates intentional experiences for people to access the outdoors for restoration, play and growth.
Our Vision: Camp Lutherwood Oregon is a vibrant community of spirituality and hospitality, strengthened by diversity. Laughter and shared experiences generate a rich understanding of the deep connectedness of all people with one another and the earth, in order to build a world that is more caring, just and kind. Partners in outdoor leadership, land stewardship, faith exploration and youth development accompany us into the future.
Our Mission: Each week, We Care helps our Benton County neighbors pay for rent, utilities, and other expenses to prevent evictions and homelessness or the shut-off of water or electricity.
We Care was established in 1983 in order to allow the resources of several faith communities to share in providing the structure needed for judicious assistance to those seeking aid. We Care provides one-time financial assistance to residents of Benton County in emergency situations when:
- No other help is available from public or private sources.
- It appears that recipients will be able to manage successfully after a single assist.
The assistance most commonly needed is for rent and rental deposits, and for payment to electrical and water companies. This assistance often helps the recipient avoid eviction, get into permanent housing, or avoid the shut-off of important utilities. Other urgent needs are also considered for assistance. Checks are made out directly to the service agent and not to the applicant.