March 2021 Newsletter

by Peace

Peace family, March is going to be a month of transition at Peace—we are transitioning back to in-person in the sanctuary worship on Sunday, March 14! This decision was made jointly by the Elders and the Hygiene Team at Peace. Here are the details highlighted by three guiding principles: A Regular Worship Schedule—I’m sure it […]

Adult Sunday School February 21, 2021

by Peace

Discussion of James 1:2-18 Welcome Opening Prayer James 1: 2-8 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of […]

February 21, 2021 Service

by Peace

The Service in PDF format is at: February 21, 2021 Service Video of service is at: Facebook Video PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT February 20, 2021 – ONLINE THEME:  Today we hear of God testing Abraham and of Satan tempting Jesus. James reminds us that God tempts no one. So, how can we […]

Ash Wednesday Service February 17, 2021

by Peace

The Service in PDF format is at: 02-17-2021 Service Video of service is at: Facebook Video ASH WEDNESDAY February 17, 2021 Peace Lutheran Church “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.”  With this admission, the season of Lent begins for each follower of Jesus.  A verbal confession of human mortality spoken over us, […]

Adult Sunday School February 14, 2021

by Peace

Max Lucado’s book, Anxious for Nothing – Week 6 Review Welcome Strategy 1: Rejoice in the Lord’s Mercy Confront the Chaos–  “Lists of anxiety triggers typically include busy schedules, unrealistic demands, or heavy traffic. But we must go deeper. Behind the frantic expressions on the faces of humanity is unresolved regret.” Do you agree with […]

February 14, 2021 Service

by Peace

The Service in PDF format is at: February 14, 2021 Service Video of service is at: Facebook Video THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH February 13, 2021 (online service) THEME:  Today is a special opportunity to consider the brightness of Jesus. As Jesus went up on the Mount of Transfiguration, his brightness shined […]

Adult Sunday School February 7, 2021

by Peace

Max Lucado’s book, Anxious for Nothing – Week 5 Welcome Meditate on These Things Opening Discussion: We live in a technology-driven society, with smartphones, laptops, and tablets at our fingertips. Our reliance on technology has grown even more with all that has happened in the last year. How has technology influenced your thought patterns? How […]

February 7, 2021 Service

by Peace

The Service in PDF format is at: February 7, 2021 Service Video of service is at: Facebook Video FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY February 7, 2021 AS WE GATHER……………. In today’s Gospel from Mark, Jesus says, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I […]

Adult Sunday School January 31, 2021

by Peace

Max Lucado’s book, Anxious for Nothing – Week 4 Welcome “The Peace of God Will Guard Your Heart” Lets take a moment to review last week’s lesson with a little exercise. Have you ever started a sentence with the phrase if only? If only I could drive a new car instead of this old clunker! […]

January 31, 2021 Service

by Peace

The Service in PDF format is at: January 31, 2021 Service Video of service is at: Facebook Video PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY January 30, 2021 (recorded online service) THEME:  In today’s Gospel from Mark 1, we are reminded of Jesus’ divine authority in His teaching to the people and also in […]