July 16, 2017 Sunday Service and Bulletin

by Peace

The Bulletin is at: 07-16-2017 – Bulletin The Service in PDF format is at: 07-16-2017 – 6th Pentecost or the service is as follows: SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST July 16th PRE-SERVICE MUSIC AS WE GATHER: Many of us were brought up being told, “Don’t be a follower!”  There is wise truth to that in regards […]

July 9, 2017 Sunday Service and Bulletin

by Peace

Note – No sound for this service The Bulletin is at: 07-09-2017 Bullitondocx The Service in PDF is at: 07-09-2017 – 5th Pentecost or the service is as follows:  5th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST July 9, 2017 PRE-SERVICE MUSIC AS WE GATHER:  Are you tired?  Are you burdened?  Do you feel weary?  We gather today for […]

July 2, 2017 Sunday Service and Bulletin

by Peace

The Bulletin is at: 07-02-2017 – Bulliten The Service in PDF is at: 07-02-2017 – 4th Sun a Pentecost or the service is as follows: FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST  July 2, 2017 PRE-SERVICE MUSIC AS WE GATHER: We live in a world where leadership is lifted up, yet we forget that leaders first learn to […]

June 25, 2017 Sunday Service and Bulletin

by Peace

The Bulletin is at: 06-25-2017 – Bulletin The Service in PDF is at: 06-25-2017 – 3rd Sun a Pentecost or the service is as follows: THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST June 25, 2017 PRE-SERVICE MUSIC AS WE GATHER:  How many times have you thought the grass was greener on the other side?  We sometimes feel that […]

June 25, 2017 Sunday Service and Bulletin

by Peace

The Bulletin is at: 06-25-2017 – Bulletin The Service in PDF is at: 06-25-2017 – Bulletin or the service is as follows: THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST  June 25, 2017 PRE-SERVICE MUSIC AS WE GATHER:  How many times have you thought the grass was greener on the other side?  We sometimes feel that tension with our […]

June 18, 2017 Sunday Service and Bulletin

by Peace

The Bulletin is at: 06-18-2017 Bulletin The Service in PDF is at: 06-18-2017 – Father’s Day Service or the service is as follows: FATHER’S DAY – June 18, 2017  PRE-SERVICE MUSIC   AS WE GATHER…People all over our country today will be celebrating Father’s Day as we give thanks for our earthly dads, grandfathers, and other […]

June 11, 2017 Sunday Service and Bulletin

by Peace

The Bulletin is at: 06-11-2017 – Bolletin The Service in PDF is at: 06-11-2017 – Service or the service is as follows: June 11, 2017 – Holy Trinity Sunday  PRE-SERVICE MUSIC AS WE GATHER…Today the Church celebrates Trinity Sunday.  It is a day to bask in the wonder of knowing the triune God—Father, Son, and […]

June 4, 2017 Sunday Service and Bulletin

by Peace

The Bulletin is at: 06-04-2017 Bulletin The Service in PDF format is at: 06-04-2017 Pentecost or the service is as follows: PENTECOST June 4, 2017  PRE-SERVICE MUSIC  AS WE GATHER…………..Sometimes it seems like it takes a long time for prayer to be answered.  One might say it took a long time—hundreds of years—for Moses’ prayer […]

May 28, 2017 Sunday Service and Bulletin

by Peace

The Bulletin is at: 05-28-2017 Bulletin The Service in PDF format is at: 05-28-2017 Seventh Sunday of Easter or the service is as follows: SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 05/28/2017   PRE-SERVICE MUSIC  AS WE GATHER………..Where is eternal life?  Eternal life is wherever Jesus is.  That includes everywhere Jesus has been in His life on this […]