


Peace Lutheran Church

November 3, 2016

Attendance: Margaret D, Sally S, Ellen H, Lindy Y, Peggy B, Sandi K, Dottie F, Stella G, Ethel P, Kay G, Bev H, Peggy K, Jani B, Ruth M, Betty I.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:15 pm by President Peggy K. Peggy handed out coloring sheets for everyone.

Opening Devotions: Dottie read the devotions by Max Luccado.

Minutes:  One correction was made from the emailed minutes. The corrected minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • The Treasurer’s report was approved.


  • Ellen sent cards to Rosanna L and Sabine M.
  • A thank you note was received from the Santoras.
  • A letter came from Aaron Bird, our Shepherd-in-Training.

Old Business:

  1. Lindy Y will continue to work on replacing/replenishing the silverware and dishes.
  2. LOVE, Inc. had no materials on the Benton County Jail inmates.
  3. Peace Ladies Guild will host the Zone Rally on April 22, 2017. They will be contacting us to let us know our responsibilities.

New Business:

  1. The Bazaar is on schedule. There will be no Bazaar setup until after the service for Joe Worth on Wednesday. Members will be asked to not bring Bazaar items until then.
  2. Dan Johnson submitted via Elaine S a funding request for students to attend a band contest for six selected students. Each student will be need to pay $450 to attend. The request was for any amount that the Guild would be willing to give. After an extensive amount of discussion, it was decided with a unanimous vote to reject this request as it would only affect a small number of students.
  3. June’s Kids’ Kloset is November 13 from 1:00-3:00.
  4. Mite Box Sunday is November 13.
  5. The nominating committee, Lindy, Ruth and Margaret D will present the list of candidates at the next meeting for a vote.
  6. Guild has been asked to provide a hot meal following the Memorial Service for Joe Worth. Kay G volunteered to be in charge and it was moved and seconded to allow $250 for her to purchase food for that meal.

Next Meeting:

  1. Our next meeting in December will be a Christmas party with a sock gift exchange.
  2. Devotions: Dottie F
  3. Hostesses: Sally S and Peggy K

The meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay G

Next meeting:  January 5, 2017