PDF format at: 11 Guild Minutes 2017
Peace Lutheran Church
November 2, 2017
Attendance: Pastor Lucke, Peggy K, Ethel P, Ruth M, Dottie F, Margaret D, Lindy Y, Jani B, Jean W, Ellen H, Colleen S, Sandi K, and Stella G.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm by President Peggy K.
Opening Devotions: Dottie read the devotions from the book “Anxious for Nothing” by Max Lucado.
Corrections from the October Minutes:
- Under New Business bullet number 7 talks about an “Amendment to the By-Laws” This should be changed to a “New Standing Order”
- Under New Business bullet number 2 should show the Thrivent Sponsorship being taken care of by Carol Gutbrod instead of Jani Burton.
The October minutes were approved as Corrected. Kay will substitute as secretary during December and January as Lindy will be away.
Treasurer’s Report:
- The Treasurer’s report was approved.
- No cards were sent out in October
- We will be getting 1/3 of the collection from Reformation Sunday to send to our Shephard-in-Training.
- Peggy received a thank you card from Concordia Seminary for our donation of $40.
Old Business:
- Tablecloths have all been purchased and received.
- Freezer meals: We will plan a cooking day after everyone has recovered from the Bazaar.
- Feed My Starving Children: Jean made a motion to donate $250 to help with the costs of this event. Ruth seconded. The motion carried.
- Nominating Committee: Lindy reported that all the present officers have agreed to continue in their positions for another year. Peggy asked if there were any other nominations from the floor. There were none. Margaret made a motion to close the nominations. Jean seconded the motion. The motion carried. The nominees for this year will be:
- Peggy K, President
- Ellen H, Vice President
- Sandi K, Treasurer
- Lindy Y, Secretary
- The vote will take place at the next Guild Meeting.
New Business:
- A new interest group would like to start a monthly Quilting/crafting meeting. Planning is still going on. Look for more information on this in the future.
- Bazaar: Jani is concerned about getting a credit card reader set up. It was suggested that Jani and Sandi take the I-Pad to the bank to see if they can help us get it set up.
- Jani also clarified that we can sell the cookbooks that are in the kitchen cupboard and don’t have to get the box down from the attic.
- Set-up for the Bazaar will start on Wednesday after Eat, chat, Pray meeting.
- June’s Kids Kloset: The next work day will be Tuesday, November 21, from 1-3. There will be no work day in December.
- We will have a Christmas Party at the December meeting. Bring a scarf (under $10 value) to share at the gift exchange.
- Ginny H: There was discussion about doing something for Ginny H for Christmas. It was decided that we would do a basket for Ginny and Walt. Please bring any donations to fill the basket by December 15th.
- Peggy K led the closing prayer.
Next Meeting:
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, December7, 2017
Devotions: Dottie F
Hostess: Peggy K and Sally S
November minutes respectfully submitted by Ellen H.