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Newsletter: 11-Newsletter
Calendar: 11-2017
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Peace Progress
November 2017
Have you noticed Peace’s Facebook page? If you have, you probably noticed our postings and the increased amount of activity. If you haven’t, you should “like” the Peace Lutheran Church – Philomath page so that you can see the latest information and news.
I recently read an article by Pamela Nielsen about what Martin Luther would say about social media use today. She made three really helpful points that I want to share with you.
- Put the best construction on everything.
These are words influenced by Luther’s understanding of the eight commandment. How often we do assume the worst when we read information about someone? When someone shares or posts online it would indeed be helpful to consider life in their shoes. Assume the best and this will actually free us from anxiety, worry and getting even with others.
- Call a thing what it is.
Luther once said to the Emperor, “Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scripture……I cannot and will not refute anything.” With this firm understanding Luther was able to swim upstream against the evil forces of his day. I would encourage you to do likewise. When you see something online that promotes evil and injustice, speak! Too often have we let hurtful teachings and words come across our computer screens without taking proper action.
- Speak well of your neighbor.
This is where social media can be a great help in the living out of our Christian life. Consider jumping in and rejoicing in someone’s good news. Post a prayer about a tragedy and encourage others to join. Truly consider someone else’s point of view and do not let your argument spill over online.
Having said all of this, it is important to realize that online connection cannot take the place of face to face contact. I try to think of my social media connections as just an opening to more meaningful conversations that can take place over coffee or dinner.
Peace’s Facebook page is there to serve you and the community better. You can post praiseworthy activities and thoughts as well. Callie and I are serving as the administrators of the page and we would greatly encourage your participation.
In Jesus’ name,
Pastor J
Peace by the Numbers
Attendance Contributions
September 17 97 $2,972
September 24 104 $1,942
October 1 111 $5,733
October 8 115 $3,789
Connections Corner
with Joyce Long
Greetings Peace Family! Last month I talked a little about my belief that we are hard-wired from before birth with a need to connect, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually with God and others. So, let’s break that down a little; first is the need to connect to others physically. Before we are born, we had a need to be connected physically; first to our birth mother as we grew in the womb. Our umbilical cord was essential for life! We received nutrients and all the things we needed to develop and grow. The environment had to be just right as we floated around in the amniotic fluid that surrounded and cushioned us. Mothers and many times fathers too started responding to us even before we knew what our outside world was. After we were born, we were still dependent on the people around us to survive. We needed others to feed and care for us and doctors to keep us well.
Here is what Psalm 139: 13-16 says: For you created my inmost being; I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Praise our God who made us all and knew us even before we were born!
…to be continued…Blessings Peace Family
Men’s Breakfast
Please mark your calendar for November 18, yes the 18th. The men’s breakfast is being delayed this month due to the Fellowship Hall not being available the first two Saturdays. No topic has been decided on this far ahead. Breakfast and discussion will as usual, coffee on at 8:00, breakfast served at 8:30 and discussion 9 – 10. Should you have a subject you would like to see discussed, please see Pastor Lucke, or myself. I am always looking for those that enjoy cooking, let me know. Oscar Gutbrod
Non-Profit Board Training
Submitted by Kathy De Young
If you sit on a nonprofit board or are associated with a nonprofit you are invited to a training opportunity for board members happening at Peace Lutheran on Saturday, November 4th.
Training for Your Nonprofit Board
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Peace Lutheran Church
2540 Applegate St. / Philomath
9:00 am – 1:30pm
Instructors include: Kirk Harvey, Oregon Dept. of Justice, Charitable Activities Section (retired)
Susan Bower, Oregon Dept. of Justice
Joe Kroll, Internal Revenue Service
Brochures are available in the narthex or from Kathy DeYoung ([email protected])
Just a Reminder!
Due to the increased use of our Fellowship Hall,
please be sure to check in at the office
if you need to use the Fellowship Hall for an event.
We will coordinate the best we can.
November 11 is the HOLIDAY Bazaar! Ladies Guild has been sponsoring a Fall Bazaar for the past few years. Members of the church contribute handmade items or baked goods to sell. There are also gift baskets prepared, a cookie corner setup and a small amount of new or gently used items sold. The monies collected from the sale go primarily to local charities, Camp Lutherwood scholarships and supporting a seminarian.
Please consider using your talents to help make this sale a huge success. A variety of items keep our sale sought out and successful. If you bake, knit, crochet, sew, do woodworking, crafts or make jewelry, use your talents to contribute to this fun event.
As time for the bazaar is closer, consider helping setup, selling or cleaning up. It is a fun day for all.
Sunday School Students: We need YOU to participate in our annual Christmas program! Practices are always fun, we sing lots of Christmas carols, we practice our parts, and we always have snacks! Practices start promptly at 10 a.m. right after our Sunday School opening in the Sanctuary; so don’t be late, and be sure to attend all practices. We are counting on you to be there each Sunday as others are depending on you saying your lines. Please let us know if you have to miss a practice.
Also, please be thinking about prelude music–instruments you may want to play or songs you would like to sing.
Our schedule is as follows:
- Sunday, November 5–First practice and students will receive their parts
- Sunday, November 12 –Practice
- Sunday, November 19 –Practice
- Sunday, November 26 –Practice
- Sunday, December 3–Practice & Costumes given to students
- Sunday, December 10–Dress Rehearsal and Christmas program presented to the congregation.
If you have any questions, please see Colleen or Sally. We are looking forward to seeing you on November 5!
Advent & Holiday Worship Schedule
Advent 1 Wednesday, December 6 7:00pm
2nd Sun. in Advent Sunday, December 10 Children’s Christmas Program
Advent 2 Wednesday, December 13 7:00 PM
3rd Sun. in Advent Sunday, December 17 Usual Schedule
Advent 3 Wednesday, December 20 7:00 PM
Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24 10:00 AM Worship
7:00 PM Candlelight & Communion Service
Christmas Day Monday, December 25 NO SERVICES
New Year’s Eve Sunday, December 31 10:00 AM Worship
7:00 PM Candlelight & Communion Service