PDF format at: Guild Minutes November 1, 2018 w
Peace Lutheran Church
November 1, 2018
Attendance: Kay G, Ethel P, Elaine S, Sandi K, Pastor Jeremy Lucke, Ruth M, Jani B, Ellen H, Colleen S, Joyce L, Maggie B, Sharon S, and Anna C.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:05 pm by Kay G. Kay thanked Colleen for providing the delicious dessert.
Opening Devotions: Pastor gave an opening prayer and Elaine read from “Jesus Calling”.
Minutes: Kay corrected the minutes concerning Lutherwood. The camp was only closed for one session not the whole summer as indicated in the October minutes. The minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer’s Report:
- The Treasurers Report was approved as submitted.
- The Church Council sent the Guild a very nice thank you card.
- There were several get well cards sent out.
Old Business:
- The freezer meal group will have a planning meeting on November 15th and a cooking day on November 17th.
- Sandy reported that a check was sent to our Shepherd in training. No response has been received but the check was cashed.
- Jani reported that the Bazaar is coming together. There is a concern about how to handle the sale of raffle tickets for the Quilt for those who want to charge the cost or pay with the rest of their purchases. It was suggested that the purchaser fill in their contact information on the back of the ticket and then a runner can take the tickets to the payment desk in the Narthex to be held until the payment is completed. There could be a box in the Narthex to deposit the ticket stub after it is paid for.
- There will be no presales at the Bazaar this year. Workers can scope out what they want but must wait until the doors open before taking their items.
- Workers at the Bazaar will wear aprons or T-shirts.
- Sandi reported that the $900 Registration fee for the Youth Conference has been paid.
- The ice maker has been installed and is working the scoop for the ice is on the inside left hand wall of the ice maker and should be used at all times.
- Because of everything that is going on this year it was decided to table the Reverse Advent Box project for this year and maybe look at doing it next year.
New Business:
- June’s Kids Kloset: Peace ladies work day will be Tuesday, November 20, from 1- 3pm.
- Maggie volunteered to be the nominating chair for next year’s officers. Sandi and Ellen both agreed to stay in their positions for another year. Maggie will check with Lindy and Peggy when they get back.
- Ruth and Sharon volunteered to perform the Audit of the Guild books for this year.
- The Christmas party gift exchange was discussed. It was decided to bring a Christmas ornament this year and next year the gift will be socks. There will be a $5 limit on the gift.
- Joyce is checking with Andrea Scofield, from Camp Lutherwood, about being the speaker for the Women’s Luncheon on May 4th. She is open to suggestions for other possible speakers.
- The Memorial Service for Rosanna was discussed. Guild members were asked to stay after the meeting and help get the room ready for the reception.
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM.
Next Meeting:
Our next meeting will include our Christmas party and will be December 6, 2018.
Devotions: Dottie F.
Hostess: Sally S. and Peggy K.
Respectfully submitted by
Ellen Holroyd