A Word from Pastor
Dear friends,
I hope you are enjoying Draw the Circle and the 40 Day Prayer Challenge. Prayer is an essential activity of Jesus’ followers, but unfortunately it is not practiced as often as it should. Why?
- We worry about saying the right thing or if we might say the wrong thing. I like the story I recently heard about father who was teaching his four-year-old daughter the Lord’s Prayer. She would repeat the lines after him. It was now time to take off and try it on her own. The father listened with pride as the little girl carefully pronounced each word all the way until the end. She finished by saying, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from e-mail.”
By the way, I sometimes agree with the four-year-old’s prayer. The point of prayer is not so much about getting the words right as it about focusing on our Lord’s invitation to come to Him with our requests. This invitation is gentle and takes away the anxiety of getting everything just right.
- Will God really answer our prayer? Too often we offer vague prayers that do not speak to the direct need. It is kind of like the times in which we plan a get together with friends. If we say to our friends, “Let’s plan on getting together in the Fall some time,” the chances of that actually happening are quite slim. However, if we say, “Let’s get together this Saturday night at 7 pm at the Indian Restaurant on 5th,” the chances of it happening are quite high. Our prayer lives typically dry up when our prayers are left vague without follow up. Specific prayers give us the opportunity to see God go to work. Yes, God will answer our prayers in His timing.
- We do not make it a habit. Alicia and I just started a work-out program that also lasts 40 days. It is called Camp Gladiator. Sounds fun doesn’t it?! The first couple workouts were very painful and took sheer will power just to show up. The last few workouts I have noticed that the program is coming much easier. What is making the difference? I suppose that some habit formation is happening.
Prayer can become a habit. One of the suggestions of Draw the Circle is to select a time of day for prayer and stick with it. Maybe it is in the morning—6:00 am for five minutes? Maybe it is at lunch time? Maybe at the dinner table? Jesus made it a priority to offer prayer early in the morning. Mark 1:35-37 says, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
I am thankful to be a part of Peace’s 40 Day Prayer Challenge. One thing is for certain, the church has been receiving more prayer requests than what we typically receive. People are drawing circles around their needs entrusting the Lord to guide and protect. Continue to draw those circles. And share. Let me know how you are doing with the challenge and how you are seeing God at work!
In thanks,
Pastor J

Trail to Church
We are so happy to see you here for worship. This strange journey we have taken, to simply get in our pews, has been one with many twists and turns; but the adventure has brought you to the Church.
Since your arrival you have probably noticed a few changes to Peace’s way of operating. We have signs to guide you to best practice, ushers to make sure you arrive safely, and guidelines to keep everyone healthy. Much like hitting an unknown hiking trail – you will want to stay on the path, follow the signs and listen to your guides.
Some guidelines on the Trail to Church:
- An RSVP is required for entering the church building at any time, this is so we know who is in the church and when. This includes:

- Coming to get meals.
- Visiting the Pastor
- Practicing music.
- Having meetings.
- coming to worship.
- Once you have reached the sidewalk outside, you will be required to wear a mask and to maintain a 6 foot distance from those who are not in your family unit.
- Masks must be worn at all times in the Sanctuary – throughout the service.
- Please refrain from singing – music will be for quiet meditation.
- Only one person or family unit in the entryway at a time.
- Only one person or family unit in the restroom at one time.
- If you are assisting a person you may enter with them.
- After exiting the restroom you will be asked to sanitize your hands one more time before entering the sanctuary or touching any surfaces.
- Coat racks cannot be used at this time. Please keep coats and purses with you.
- Hallways, Offices, old restrooms, youth room, fellowship hall and the kitchen are all restricted at this time.
We hope you understand that these guidelines are an expression of love for our church and for you as a church family or friend. We would like everyone to stay healthy!
Church Council News
Greetings from the church council. We hope that you and your families are staying well and safe.
Your church council continues to meet and lead your church through Zoom meetings. It is with regret that we announce that Karla Rhoads has decided to step down as co-treasurer of the church council. We would like to thank her for all of the years of service to Peace. She has been such a blessing. We are grateful that Bob Glathar has graciously offered to take over the full treasurer’s duties until a new co-treasurer is appointed.
Romans 12:12 – “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
As we endure these unprecedented times, we find ourselves dealing with many emotions such as fear, frustration, impatience, anxiousness, and others all at the same time. Our faith is being tested in ways that we have never known. We ask when will this pandemic cease? When will we return to our normal way of life?
In the midst of our fears, I see a congregation that is full of the Holy Spirit and facing this challenge with the courage that can come from faith in our Creator. You continue to support our Church and continue to engage spiritually through the online worship, in-person worship, drive through communion, bible study, and Sunday school.
Your spirit is not defined by negative emotions, but how you respond to adversity. This pandemic will end. Reflect on the time we will reunite and worship together. Keep faithful in prayer. We will all come through this stronger.
George Abele
Council President

A Request for Assistance or Information
Single, late 30’s, Christian woman would like to rent an apartment associated with home of a Christian family, couple or single female. She would like to develop a relationship with the family. May be able to help with childcare and or outdoor chores.
To meet HUD requirements apartment would need a separate entrance, own bathroom, own kitchen or kitchenette. If there is a direct entrance into the house, it would need to be lockable from apartment side. Cat friendly needed. Separate laundry a plus. She has her own furnishings.
For more information contact Kim’s father, Van Hunsaker at 541-929-2616.
Drive in Communion Service
When you will receive Holy Communion used to be quite predictable. All you had to do was to show up for church on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month. This was Peace’s routine for years—probably 40 plus years.
As you know, when you will receive Holy Communion has been less predictable since March.
The good news to share is that Peace will be offering Holy Communion a little more predictably and more routinely beginning this month. Holy Communion will be shared on the first Sunday of each month by means of a Drive-By Communion service. This will take place in the month of October on October 4th at 11:00 A.M. We will once again use a FM transmitter to carry the service directly to your car radio. We will let you know the exact radio station to tune into as you enter the parking lot. The entire service will take place in the parking lot, with everyone safely distanced in their own car. At the appropriate time, the “ushers” will guide you to the front of the church (while remaining in your car) to receive the communion package.
Hopefully this news brings more certainty and predictability into your life!

An Autumn Tradition
On September 12 Bill & Peggy, Rob & Colleen & Sally picked corn & pumpkins in fields belonging to neighbors of Bill & Peggy for decorating outside the church. We had a great time & it was a lot of fun! It has been a tradition for the last 10 years or so for Oscar, Colleen , & me to meet late in the fall to decorate outside the church. It is always cold & usually rainy, but we can’t give up this tradition. Besides, it is definitely rewarding to see the church decorated for our church members & the community.
Besides thanking Bill & Peggy, we need to thank Ron & Karen Motlok for donating cornstalks a few weeks ago.
Check out the church around the second week of October to see the fall decor!

Peace Lutheran Church has been staying as active as they can while maintaining safe distance and guidelines. Would you like to know what is going on? Here is a list of activities along with the contact person if you you have any questions about getting involved.