From the Pastor
Dear Peace family,
We are going to be celebrating the Reformation in style. We will have a Reformation service at Peace on Sunday, October 30 at 10 am—our usual Sunday service time. Everyone then is invited to a Joint Circuit Reformation Service at Zion Lutheran Church in Corvallis at 3 pm. There will be a Bratwurst Dinner to follow at Zion.
Why are we doing this? Back in May a group of lay leaders and pastors (from Waldport, Newport, Albany, Corvallis, Lebanon, and Philomath) met at Peace to discuss ways in which our Lutheran churches could better partner and support one another. One of the results of that conversation was to plan a joint service in the next year. October’s Reformation Service at Zion is the accomplishment of that goal.
There are some other reasons to celebrate the Reformation. Martin Luther didn’t think that he had accomplished all that much. The average life span of a person in Luther’s day was just 28 years old. Luther died at 62 years of age—well beyond the average. Luther often lamented his long-life span and spoke about how it would have been more impactful if he would have died a martyr at a younger age. His thought was that if he would have died a martyr, his movement might have had more popularity.
Luther clearly underestimated what would be his legacy. Consider these gifts and challenges that he left behind:
Human Rights: Luther boldly taught that all people are equally noble before God. Bishops and priests did not have special status before God. Every Christian had the right and responsibility to go directly to God through Christ.
Worship for the People: Martin Luther translated the Bible into the common language of the people. He brought popular music beloved by the people into the church. All people were allowed to receive the wine in communion.
Educational Reform: Luther stressed the importance of reading, education and thinking for everyone—even women. There were people who believed that women didn’t have souls during Luther’s day!
Marriage and Family: Luther uplifted parenthood as one of the highest callings in life. His own experience of having a loving family greatly enhanced his teaching.
Not Perfect: Luther left behind some messes. The German Peasant Revolt led to the death of over 10,000 people—a likely catalyst for this uprising was Luther’s teachings on equality. Yes, Luther made horrific statements about all sorts of people and many of these statements have been misused.
Justification by Grace: Luther clearly taught that a person is not saved by works, but by God’s grace.
Authority of God’s Word: Luther challenged Christians to seek God’s Word and let it be the final authority. The church for too long had relied upon tradition, human reason, and edicts from popes.
We are truly celebrating on October 30. Consider singing in the joint choir for the service (if you do want to sing, talk to Colleen). There will be one practice at Zion at 2 pm on October 30. Consider staying after the service for a Bratwurst Dinner. Bring a side dish and dessert to share. Enjoy fellowship.
I am thankful for the heritage we share and I look forward to joining you in the celebration of it this month!
In Christ,
Pastor Jeremy Lucke
Peace by the Numbers
Plan for Worship
October 2 – 10:00 am Worship Service in the sanctuary with communion.
October 9 – 10:00 am Worship Service in the sanctuary followed by fellowship hosted by the LWML Ladies. LWML Sunday.
October 16 – 10:00 am Worship Service in the sanctuary with communion.
October 23 – 10:00 am Worship Service in the sanctuary followed by fellowship.
October 30 – 10:00am Worship Service in the sanctuary.
October 30 – 3:00pm Reformation Sunday Service at Zion Lutheran Church.
Bible Study Options
Elders Rick and Merv are leading us in some timely discussion on the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. What
makes these discussions so timely? The time of Ezra and Nehemiah was a moment in time in which all
nearly had been lost for God’s people. They were living in a time in which they would need to rely on
faith and God’s promises. They were rebuilding. We too need encouragement to rebuild when it comes
to our life, our relationships, and our faith. All are welcome for these Sunday opportunities. Here is the
plan for each Sunday:
- October 2 “Dealing with Guilt” Ezra 9:1-15
- October 9 “Prayer and Action” Nehemiah 1:1-11
- October 16 “Confidence in God” Nehemiah 2:1-20
- October 23 “Persevering in Trials” Nehemiah 4:1-23
- October 30 “A Generous Heart” Nehemiah 10:28-39
A New Study on 1 Timothy
Have you ever seen a small boy follow his dad through the snow? He stretches himself to step exactly where his dad has stepped. It’s hard work. The dad might even adjust his steps so that his son can keep pace.
As we read I Timothy, we are observing a similar moment. The dad is Paul; the small boy is Timothy. Paul wrote this letter knowing that Timothy was following behind him. At times you get the idea that Paul is slowing down so that Timothy can keep up with him.
All are invited to join Pastor Lucke for a time to observe Paul and Timothy walk together. Our study will also lead to some other questions for self-reflection and sharing: Who are you following? What kind of trail are you leaving?
We’ll be meeting in the fellowship hall on the second and fourth Wednesdays in October and November from 2 to 3:15 pm. Let Pastor know if you plan on attending. Here is the plan for each session for your preparations:
- Wednesday, October 12 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm I Timothy 1: 12-20
A Question to ponder: Who is someone you have mentored or are mentoring?
Take Away: Paul was confident in his role as a mentor for Timothy—not because of his past or because of his performance. His confidence came from what Christ had done.
- Wednesday, October 26 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm I Timothy 2:1-15
A Question to ponder: “In what ways can practicing “spiritual disciplines”—ie. serving and prayer—combat selfishness?
Take Away: The way we treat others and the way we treat one another will have a huge impact on our effectiveness in sharing the Gospel.
Ladies Guild News
The cooking classes continue to be impressive. Our last class will be on October 8 when Chef Merv will let us all in on the secret to his amazing pies. That will be our last cooking class for this year so contact Ellen Holroyd and sign up for a fun experience.
The Holiday Bazaar is just around the corner on November 5th. Lots of work has been done so far and we are grateful for all the work our Ladies Guild has done so far to make this wonderful event happen. Please see the notes throughout this newsletter on ways that you can help.
Bryson & Friends on the Patio
Red Cross Blood Drive
The Red Cross is still very much in need of blood donations. Our next blood drive at Peace will be held on Oct 14 and there are still appointments available. Please consider donating this life saving gift.
Cooking Classes
Cookies, Cookies, Cookies
We need cookies for our cookie table at the Bazaar on November 5th. Last year we sold over 120 dozen cookies. I am always so impressed with the variety of cookies that we get. Please see Maggie to sign up to bring four dozen cookies. Thank You.
Baskets for Bazaar
Maybe you don’t feel talented enough to make something for our Fall Bazaar. Would you consider sponsoring a basket? You get the items for a basket, and I’ll put them together and wrap them. Here are some ideas to get you started. Use your imagination! These are just a few ideas to get you started.
- Coffee Basket
- Spa Basket
- Dorm Basket
- Wine Basket
- Baby Boy or Girl Basket
- Taste of Italy Basket
- Chocolate Lover’s Basket
- Breakfast Basket
- OSU Basket
- Doggie Basket
- Get Well Soon Basket
When you have your items ready, put them in a bag and bring them to church. I will include a list of the items in the basket when I prepare it. If you have a basket, include it, but I would be happy to provide the basket for you. No need to include ribbon or wrap. I will take care of that for you. Please get your items to church by Sunday, October 23rd. Thank you!
Things to think about when you purchase items:
Bags (like pasta, scone mix, pancake mix) are easier to put in a basket than boxes.
Check the expiration date! Items should be good for at least three months.
Don’t put in too many heavy items or glass items.
There is a list of ideas in the Narthex.
Granny’s Attic
An extension of the November 5th Bazaar is Granny’s Attic. This is located outside the fellowship hall under the patio. Granny’s Attic is made up of gently used items donated by the congregation. Please no clothes or large items. If you need help getting your items to the church call or text Jani Burton (541-740-4650). Please have items at the church no later than the 30th of October. Thank you so very much for helping with this once-a-year event.
Men’s Breakfast is Back
Once again it is time for the Peace men’s First Saturday Breakfast. Coming up fast, yes October 1st !! Mr. Ray Hewitt will share a DVD about Oberammergau, Germany – home of the Passion Play. The DVD has a short glimpse of the Passion play, performed every 10 years. That portion of the of the DVD will be shown as the topic for the breakfast. The coffee will be on at 8:00 am, breakfast served at 8:30, discussion topic at 9:00 – 10:00. Do plan to attend. Please let Oscar Gutbrod know whether you plan to be there – it helps in securing enough sausage, bacon and eggs!! Thanks. Oscar’s phone number and email: 541-231-3954 [email protected]
Fall Festival Success
A big thank you to everyone who helped make the Fall Festival as resounding success.
Tables of Peace
Tables of Peace will be starting again in early November. Tables of Peace is an opportunity for members to join in small groups for a meal and a short discussion topic. Each group will be formed with about 6-8 members per group. There will one member or couple that will be hosting the group. The groups will meet twice a month for about three months before reorganizing and making new groups. This is a great opportunity for Peace members and friends to gather to meet new people and/or to reconnect with people they have missed for the past two years.
Host/hostess responsibilities are:
- Gather the assigned group and organize the dates to meet.
- Either host the meal in their home or choose another location (someone else’s home or the
- church).
- Arrange food assignments. All meals are potluck.
- Either lead the discussion or choose someone in the group to lead it. (Pastor will prepare discussion topics prior to the meeting).
- Because of COVID concerns, groups are being organized according to vaccination status. Please indicate your status when you sign up.
Tables of Peace have been very successful in helping people have a planned opportunity to meet and know each other on a more personal level. Please consider joining a group. For more information contact Kay Glathar (541) 609-0620.
Calling All Shepherds!
This December 11, the youth at Peace will be sharing the message of The Christmas Story. If you know of other children, ages 5-18, in your family or our community who would like to participate in our Youth Christmas Program, please let Karyn Stanley or Diane Crocker know. We would like to invite all children to take part and learn about the birth of our Savior.
Rehearsals will be held on Sundays during Sunday School (9am – 9:50am), November 6, 13, 20, 27, and December 4. Two additional rehearsals will be held November 27 from 4:30-6pm, and a final dress rehearsal on December 10 from 8am – 10am.
In addition to the Christmas Program itself, we would love to have any youth that play an instrument or sing, perform a Christmas song for the preservice music. Secular holiday songs, in addition to traditional Christian carols work, as well. If you know of a youth that can play/sing for preservice, even if they are not in the Christmas Program itself, please let Karyn or Diane know.
The Youth Christmas Program will be held during our worship service at 10am on Sunday, December 11.
Peace Lutheran Backpack Ministry
The Peace Lutheran Backpack Ministry has been active all summer long with various donations to the Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center (CDDC). Below you will find a summary of what we were able to donate thanks to donations from you, donations left on my doorstep and some really great garage sales 😊
In important upcoming news, we will have a Backpack work party on Saturday, November 19 from 9am-12pm. This work party includes putting together hygiene kits, Ziplock’s with food offerings and our standard backpack offerings which include things like: Tarp, Blanket, Hat, Gloves, Socks, Mylar emergency blanket, Shampoo, Soap, toothbrush and toothpaste as well as various other self-care items as we have available. Those who have worked one of these work parties are invited back to help with your experience, and those who have not worked one, are invited to come learn and help alongside those who have. I hope to see you there!
We are still looking for sleeping bags and small tents for the CDDC if you have any sitting around gathering dust, we would love to put them to work. We are always in need to jeans and sweatshirts. I will be gone from Oct 2-20, but outside of those dates, your donation of items for our program is greatly appreciated. You may put them on my doorstep, 2223 Applegate St or find me after church.
Please join me in praying that the items we put together match those in need. Sometimes we have extra items and it is out of my hands to determine who gets them, but God knows, and through our prayers I have confidence that He will see that these go to the right person.
We make up and pass out our Backpacks during the colder months Nov-April. During May-Sept, I take in donations every 1-2 weeks from the Backpack Ministry.
“Serving God through Serving Others” I love this quote that Dan has included in many of our bulletins. This is what I hope we are doing through this ministry.
Diane Crocker
Update From Our Mission in Cambodia
Greetings, friends at Peace in Philomath, from a steamy Phnom Penh! We pray this note finds you well.
What a joy to write this email, having received notification of your generous gift in support of our family as we live and serve God’s mission in Cambodia. We give thanks to God for His gracious provision THROUGH YOU! Your passion for God’s global mission, expressed through your prayer and financial support of our family as we serve, is an enormous encouragement to us. THANK YOU for partnering with us as we partner with our brothers & sisters in Christ on the other side of the world. It is our joy and privilege to serve on your behalf.
It has been a busy several months. After 6 wonderful weeks in the United States, we slid back into normal routines in Cambodia.
J.P. continues to enjoy lots of opportunities for teaching and discipleship. Recently, he has been traveling to the provinces to lead seminars on Luther’s Small Catechism. Just last week he was also asked by the Luther Institute of Southeast Asia to teach an introductory course on the Lutheran Confessions. It never gets old to see 21st century Cambodians reading, discussing, and resonating with 16th century documents! J.P. was blown away by how quickly his audience found connections to their own lives and ministries in these rather esoteric documents. It was a blast! Indeed, J.P. has grown quite fond of many of these students, especially since spending time with them in their homes as a part of an ongoing program of intentional visitation.
We also continue to host our church’s youth group each and every Saturday. This is one of our favorite parts of the week. This past Saturday, Aimee ordered a cake to celebrate some youths’ birthdays. The cake’s delivery led to an incredible opportunity to share the Gospel with the delivery driver. He and Aimee talked for 45 minutes! Aimee also continues to support other missionaries in the region as a part of the Asia Regional Managers team. She is particularly excited to plan a gathering for all missionaries in Asia, set for early next year IN PHNOM PENH! Where does she find time to also help coordinate our church’s Sunday school!?
As for the rest of the family, the kids have successfully started a new year of school. Moreover, as of Bella’s birthday, we now have two teenagers in the house! Nonetheless, Isaac, who is 5, still keeps us all young with his boundless energy.
You are a part of all of this. We repeatedly say that we could not be here without you because it is so true. Your prayers, your support, your encouragement–it all makes it possible for us to serve God’s people in Cambodia. THANK YOU for your trust and partnership. Know that we are thanking God for you!
I noted that you are not yet on our e-newsletter list, and so I have taken the liberty of adding you. You should receive a confirmation email. Of course, you can unsubscribe easily if you prefer. Please feel free to reach out to us any time (or encourage others to sign up for the newsletter!) using the information below. We love hearing from you!
In Christ,
//JP, Aimee, Celeste, Bella, and Isaac
Philomath Open Studios Tour & Sale
7th Annual Philomath Open Studios Art Tour and Sale
Set for Last Two Weekends on October 2022
The Philomath Open Studios Tour (POST) presents an invitation to see Philomath from another angle. We have created an open window through which you can see the talent of the region’s artists and fine crafters who fashion their works with a mix of creativity and passion. Join in the tour along a route that includes unique colors, shapes, and textures in an artistic world that will open up to all who share our journey.
Local artists from Philomath and Corvallis will be demonstrating their art and sharing their handmade items during the 2022 Philomath Open Studios Tour and Sale during the last two weekends of October. Art lovers are encouraged to visit the 22 artists located in and around Philomath to see their work. On October 22 and 23 and October 29 and 30, studios are open from 12noon to 5pm. The tour is free and visitors can start at any of the 10 studios.
During the past two years with many galleries, art shows and special events closed down it was particularly hard on artists who rely on these venues to sell their creations. This year, Philomath Open Studios Tour returns with great enthusiasm and with many new artists who have had an extra, unexpected two years to work on their creative endeavors.
POST showcases a broad array of artistic media, including basketry and fiber art; ceramics; photography; jewelry; oil, acrylic and watercolor paintings; alcohol ink; silk painting; metal sculpture; printmaking; glass; mosaics; mixed media; pastels and illustration. All exhibited works will be for sale.
The tour offers the chance to go behind the scenes and enjoy the knowledge and talent of the artists who create the work. Visitors can ask questions and see the supplies, tools, equipment and processes of making the art. The tour reflects the tremendous diversity of the cultural and artistic landscape and many sides of the people who live and create here. Distinctive yellow signs with the POST hand symbol mark studio locations and keep visitors on track through the route.
Participating artists include Ann Lahr, Dale Donovan, Debi Friedlander, Jeff Gunn, Sara Morrissey, Kate McGee, Merrill Sommers, Debby Sundbaum-Sommers, Leslie Tejada, Dominique Bachelet, Chris Bentley, Mark Gillespie, Kristin Hager, Anthony Gordon, Carol Houk, Steve Terhune, Jean Lawrence, Justin Wolford, Linda Herd, Kris Mitchell, Phil Coleman and Beth Rietveld.
Visit for a map with studio locations and artist information. The website also contains multiple images of each artist’s work and individual profiles of participating artists.
Holy Humor
- People want the front of the bus, the back of the church, and the center of attention.
- There was a very gracious lady who was mailing an old family Bible to her brother in another part of the country. “Is there anything breakable in here?” asked the postal clerk. “Only the Ten Commandments.” answered the lady.
- “Somebody has said there are only two kinds of people in the world. There are those who wake up in the morning and say, “Good morning, Lord,” and there are those who wake up in the morning and say, “Good Lord, it’s morning.”
- A minister parked his car in a no-parking zone in a large city because he was short of time and couldn’t find a space with a meter. Then he put a note under the windshield wiper that read: “I have circled the block 10 times. If I don’t park here, I’ll miss my appointment. Forgive us our trespasses.” When he returned, he found a citation form a police officer along with this note: “I’ve circled this block for 10 years. If I don’t give you a ticket, I’ll lose my job. Lead us not into temptation.”
- There is a story of a pastor who got up one Sunday and announced to his congregation: “I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it’s still out there in your pockets.
- While driving in Pennsylvania, a family caught up to an Amish carriage. The owner of the carriage obviously had a sense of humor, because attached to the back of the carriage was a hand printed sign… “Energy efficient vehicle: Runs on oats and grass. Caution: Do not step in exhaust.”
- A Sunday School teacher began her lesson with a question, “Boys and girls, what do we know about God?” A hand shot up in the air. “He is an artist!” said the kindergarten boy. “Really? How do you know?” the teacher asked. “You know – Our Father, who does art in Heaven…”
- A minister waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him. Finally, the attendant motioned him to a vacant pump. “Reverend,” said the young man, “I’m sorry about the delay. It seems as if everyone waits until the last minute to get ready for a long trip.” The minister chuckled, “I know what you mean. It’s the same in my business.”