Words from the Pastor
Dear Peace family,
September marks the beginning of the year. “Hold on! January is the official start of the year,” some of you are thinking. “Wait a minute! The church year begins with Advent and that happens around the beginning of December,” others of you are wondering. You are right. But I am going with September as a starting date for our church as we will be gathering and taking a look at a new focus for our church: The Red Letter Being Challenge. I am excited about it.
Be looking on your front step on Saturday, August 28 for our next Peace Distribution Package. Inside that package you will find some gifts for you. One of those gifts is the Red Letter Being Challenge book. This book will guide you through 40 days that will focus on 5 keystone habits of Jesus. We will be sharing and discussing those 5 keystone habits of Jesus in our worship and adult Bible Studies in September and October. I am really excited for this next journey and am in prayer about the significance this will have on our ministry.
What are those 5 keystone habits of Jesus? And when will we discuss them? Here is the plan:
Sunday, September 12 (Rally Day) Introduction to the Red Letter Being Challenge
Tuesday, September 14 Begin reading the book on Day 1
Sunday, September 19 Keystone Habit 1: Commit to Community
During this week (Days 6-12 in the book) we will be discovering how Jesus was committed to community. Jesus had a group of 500, a group of 72, a group of 12, a group of 3 that he was intentionally connected. The communities that we are involved with matter, and whether we like it or not, we are influenced by them.
Sunday, September 26 Keystone Habit 2: Study Scripture
During this week (Days 13-19 in the book) we will be reminded of Jesus’ regular habit of studying Scripture. Think about this. 10 % of what Jesus said in his life was a quotation of Scripture. Is even 1 percent of what we say from Scripture?
Sunday, October 3 Keystone Habit 3: Prioritize Prayer
On Days 20-26 the importance of prayer is emphasized. Every relationship requires communication. Prayer is the pathway of communication between us and God. Undoubtedly, Jesus prayed. It was a daily habit. Why would a daily habit of prayer make a difference in our lives?
Sunday, October 10 Keystone Habit 4: Seek Solitude
Days 27-33 will highlight the importance of solitude. Our lives are busy. They are sometimes so busy that giving an extra two hours to someone is nearly impossible. Jesus made solitude a regular practice. He got away…away from his disciples….away from other people….away from responsibilities to recharge in his relationship with the Father.
Sunday, October 17 Keystone Habit 5: Choose Church
Days 34-40 discuss the importance of attending church. That may sound strange! Jesus didn’t attend church—right!? But he did regularly go to the synagogue to teach. And while he was in the synagogue he heard God’s Word and participated in worship. Church is the most consistent place we can go to hear about God’s love for us. We need it!
Saturday, October 23 End reading the book on Day 40
Sunday, October 24 Recap of our 40 Day Journey
All of these habits are straight from Jesus. And I truly believe that each of them will inspire us toward deeper partnership with God and action for His mission. I can’t wait to begin!
In Christ,
Pastor J
Peace by the Numbers
Adult Bible Study

Plan for Worship

Prayers Are Indeed Answered
To the congregation of Peace Lutheran Church,
Congregations are often asked to pray for people they might not know or ever know. We faithfully pray yet many times never knowing the results of our prayers. As individuals who receive the news that they have cancer their emotions run the gamut from fear to panic to anger and to why me? My wife, Anne Large, went through all of these emotions. Then she was told that your congregation would be praying for her. She was overwhelmed and was beset with chills knowing strangers were lifting her up to the Lord. Throughout this past six months of treatment, she felt the cover of your prayers. You were asked to pray for Anne Large, a woman who you will probably never meet this side of heaven, and you did. As believers we need to hear when our prayers have been answered! Today, during her last scheduled Chemotherapy, Anne met with her Oncologist. The cancer is gone! Modern medicine did its part, but it was your prayers to the perfect Physician that made the difference. Prayer works.
We cannot thank you enough! God has blessed us through you.
Mike Large
Fall Bazaar
Mark your calendars for the return of the Fall Bazaar at Peace. It will be held Saturday Nov 6 here at the church. Next time you are in the fellowship hall, take a look at the beautiful quilt the Peace ladies sewed. Tickets for the quilt raffle are $5.00 and they are available now. If you have any questions, please contact Jani Burton.
Update from Our Supported Ministry in Cambodia
Greetings from Phnom Penh, friends at Peace in Philomath!
With grateful hearts, we THANK YOU for your ongoing prayer and support of our family as we serve God’s mission in Cambodia. The encouragement of God’s people who send us on His mission has sustained our hearts and minds during these turbulent times. THANK YOU for being such a blessing to our family as we seek to be a blessing to the people we serve half a world away. It has never been truer that we can’t do anything without you!
I apologize that it has been so long since we’ve sent a formal thank you note like this. The past six months have been full of expected and unexpected ups and downs, and while we’ve still managed to send out monthly newsletters, we’ve neglected personal emails.
In mid-March, we got word that Aimee’s mother’s battle with cancer was not going well. We made a quick decision to send Aimee and Isaac to the United States. Aimee was thankful to spend quality time with her mom before she went to be with Jesus on April 13. Due to the difficulty and expense of re-entering Cambodia, and also because we already had plans to return to the USA over the summer, Aimee and Isaac stayed in the US until JP and the girls joined them in early June.
While Aimee and Isaac were in the US, Phnom Penh went into total lockdown. JP and the girls couldn’t leave their neighborhood save for trips to the grocery store thrice weekly. The lockdown meant that JP’s planned course on the book of Hosea shifted to a virtual format. The course was through Phnom Penh Bible School, a non-denominational seminary that trains Christian leaders, for their new Master of Arts in Christian Ministry. It was a great time to learn from Scripture, and apply it cross-culturally, along with very sharp Cambodian leaders. Meanwhile, JP also prepared for and PASSED his comprehensive exams for his PhD program. The girls persevered admirably to finish their own schooling online, ending with excellent marks. During lockdown and without mom and Isaac, we also picked up some new hobbies.
We had a wonderful summer in the United States, filled with vaccinations, time with family and dear friends, visits to supporting congregations and conventions, and lots of fun. One particular highlight was Celeste’s confirmation via a virtual service through the International Lutheran Church in Seoul. The 7 weeks (5 months for Aimee and Isaac!) in the US flew by far too fast, as it always does, but every minute was a blessing.
The return to Cambodia required a whole lot of preparation and a two-week quarantine at a government-chosen facility. We were fortunate to get a very comfortable hotel (see Isaac’s guided tour!) with decent food. The life-saver was keeping routines each day (see a typical day!).
But now we are out of quarantine, and all 5 of us are under our own roof for the first time in 5 months! Phnom Penh is still in the midst of COVID-19 restrictions due to a continued surge in cases. This might hamper ministry, but it does not stop it. Even today JP is making plans for a seminar in October. Moreover, discipleship with local youth has picked up right where it left off.
Again, THANK YOU for your prayers. They truly have sustained us through the last 6 months. Know that we also pray for you, that you are safe and healthy and weathering the recent surge in COVID-19 cases worldwide, and thanking God for your heart for His mission worldwide. May these difficult times draw us all closer to the incredible gifts we have in Jesus.
In Christ,
//JP, Aimee, Celeste, Bella, and Isaac
Donations to Philomath Community Services
The church has donated the following to Philomath Food bank:
In 2020 a total of 167 pounds of food
So far in 2021 we have donated 180 pounds of food
For June’s Kid Closet:
In 2020 a total of 17 pounds of clothing
So far in 2021 we have donated 23 pounds of clothing
The donation baskets are by the double doors to the sanctuary, and we try and take it every Thursday when there are some items to go. Thank you for your support of these important resources.
Helping out a Member of our Congregation
Linda Schuerman is going to have foot surgery in the future so please keep her in your prayers. She currently owns a car with a manual transmission and won’t be able to drive it after the surgery. If you have a car with an automatic transmission and are considering selling it, please contact Linda and see if your car would work for her.
Men’s Breakfast
Look forward the return of Men’s Breakfast along with Zion Lutheran Church. It’s scheduled for October 16 and will be at Tommy’s Restaurant at 350 SW 4th Street in Corvallis. More to follow in next month’s newsletter.
Update from the Backpack Ministry
The Peace Lutheran Backpack Ministry has been busy all summer donating needs to the Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center ( CDDC) as well as facilitating various donations ( most often bread) from the Philomath Gleaners. We have been donating many items each week to serve the local Homeless community and your generosity has been very much appreciated.
Most recently, we have donated clothes, batteries, pet supplies, reading glasses, water bottles, Neosporin, and toiletries. This summer, with the warmer weather and upheaval in living situations for the homeless, I have felt led to do these donations rather than putting together backpacks. As the fall and cooler weather approaches, our plan is to put together backpacks with warming items, toiletries, and snacks. I hope this plan meets your approval.
At this time, the CDDC has put out a call for jeans. I think any size would be appreciated, but they have a specific need for:
Mens: 32, 34, 36, 38, 40
Womens: 4, 5
Almost weekly, I have found donations on my front doorstep. Thank you so much! If you have toiletries ( even those hotel sized samples ), small blankets, scarves, or gloves that you would like to donate…or any jeans as mentioned above, please drop them at my doorstep and I will make sure they get to the homeless either through the CDDC or our Backpack Ministry.
Thank you and Bless you! Together we make a difference!
Diane Crocker
2223 Applegate ST
Church Ladies (and Men) With Typewriters
They’re Back! Those wonderful Church Bulletins! These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced at church services:
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles, and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
The sermon this morning: ‘Jesus Walks on the Water’. The sermon tonight: ‘Searching for Jesus’.
Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be ‘What Is Hell?’ Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment, and gracious hostility.
Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM – prayer and medication to follow.
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM . Please use the back door.
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.