From the Pastor

Dear Peace family,

This year is going to change us for the better!

Many people tell their life story as nothing more than a bunch of setbacks. One person relates that their life was filled with difficulties and hardships. Another person shares that their life was filled with pandemic and health diagnoses. Another person tells the story of their life highlighting a horrific tragedy. Another person chimes in that the only thing to look forward to is death. Is this really all that our life is about? 

Our life story is not just about tragedies and hardship. Our life story is not set in stone forever. How can we be so certain about this? The story of God’s people in the book of Exodus is our story too. 

If the book of Exodus were taken out of the Bible, the story of God’s people would have dramatically been different. Moses would have only been a shepherd of sheep stuck in the fields of Midian (talk about stuck in a rut). The Israelites would have only known slavery and a difficult life in Egypt. God had bigger plans. Those plans unfold in the book of Exodus.

Time and time again, God delivered His people. God guided them through the Red Sea on dry ground. God provided food in the wilderness. God protected His people when they were threatened. In all the twists and turns as the people journeyed

to the Promised Land—God showed His presence. The songs the people sang were primarily ways to

remind the people that God delivered. Their life story at the end of the Book of Exodus was one of deliverance—not hardship, difficulty and tragedy. Exodus literally means “the road out.”

God always provides a road out! There is always a road out of pandemic, hardship, health diagnoses and even death. God will see us through. There will always be another chapter. There will be deliverance!

This year is going to change us for the better! How could a Christian say such a thing? A Christian trusts that God will work through all the changes of life for our ultimate good. And…..a Christian leaves outcomes in God’s hands.

We’ll be dedicating time in our September worship services to reflect upon God’s special way of delivering us from life’s hardships and difficulties. I am looking forward to these times together. Here is a plan and for each Sunday:

Sunday, September 3     “Living in a Cave”       Exodus 1

Sunday, September 10   “Excuses, Excuses”    Exodus 3

Sunday, September 17   “The Great Escape”   Exodus 14

Sunday, September 24    “The Golden Calf”     Exodus 32

Enjoy September’s newsletter. There is a lot of information and events to be shared for sure. We ask the Lord to go before us as we begin the year. And when the Lord clearly directs and prompts us, may we answer as clearly as Moses once did: “Here I am” (Exodus 3:4).

In His Joy,

Pastor J

Peace by the Numbers

Plan for Worship

September 3 – 10:00am – Worship Service with Communion.  Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost.

September 10 – 10:00am – Worship Service followed by Rally Day Barbecue. Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost.

September 17 – 10:00am – Worship Service with Communion Outside on the Patio. Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost.

September 24 – 10:00am – Worship Service. Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost.

Fall Bible Study

Starting on September 10, David Leding will lead an exploration into the Augsburg Confession using a small book, “A Lutheran Toolkit” and The Augsburg Confession as our guide. As Lutherans we are a confessional body of believers in the risen Lord Jesus Christ and one of our primary confessions is the Augsburg Confession.  By digging deeper into this confession, we will together learn more about the roots of our church and the teachings that are the foundation of our Lutheran heritage.

Fall Kickoff Picnic

Mark your calendars to attend church on Sunday, September 10, for our annual fall kick-off.

We will be having our annual BBQ celebration with hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, chips, ice cream, and all the fixings, plus music, balloons, popcorn, and games for the kids. Everything is provided – no need to bring side dishes.

Sunday School starts at 9 am followed by worship at 10 am.

Bring your siblings and invite your friends!

Medicare Presentation

Ms. Becky Lippman will lead an information session at Peace Lutheran Church on Wednesday, September 13th at 2:00 pm.  Many of our members have questions around choosing Medicare plans and the road through these decisions is a little tricky.  Becky knows these rules and products very well and can help folks make informed decisions.  Becky will be here to talk about the different options and answer your questions.

Updating Pictures of the Congregation

We are continuing to take photos of the congregation to update the pictures in the hallway between the narthex and fellowship hall. Carole and Trudy will be available to take pictures after service on September 10th and 17th. It’s surprising how many people use the pictures in the hallway to learn each other’s names, so please consider updating or adding your picture to our wall.

Open Fellowship Starts This Month

Starting on Thursday September 7 from 2:00-4:00pm, we will begin open fellowship time at Peace. The fellowship hall will be open during this time for coffee, games, and connection. Please come and use this opportunity to socialize and enjoy the company of other members of the congregation. Feel free to bring games or other activities you would like to share.

A Special Birthday is Approaching

Ethel Post will turn 100 years young next month. Dianna Benton (Ethel’s Daughter) is organizing a birthday party for her.  Here is the information:

Location: Peace Lutheran Church

Date: October 21, 2023

Time: 2pm – 4pm

Contact: Person is Dianna Benton (Post) 971-241-7414

Everyone is invited to attend this special birthday celebration for Ethel.

Men’s Breakfast Returning in October

Peace Men’s Breakfast:  Mark your calendar for October 7th.  It’s time once again to begin another year of enjoying a hardy breakfast on the First Saturday of the month – October through June. We will be alternating with the Men of Zion on every other Month. Zion will be hosting the Breakfast in November. We begin with coffee at 8:00, breakfast served at 8:30 and a topic discussion form 9 – 10. A reminder will be emailed to those on our mailing list as we get closer to October 7th so, please let Oscar know if you are not receiving our emails about the breakfast. His email address is:     [email protected] Cell: 541-231-3954.

New Church Directory

We are starting to work on the new church directory. As we make plans, we are considering an online directory so that it can be maintained with up-to-date information. This would allow members to see the directory directly from their computer or phone. Additionally, individual members can update their own information and it would be completely up to them how much information they would like to include. We feel this service would provide a secure means of storing your information to a level commensurate with our current internal measures. Of course, a print version of the directory will also be available. If you have any questions or concerns, please let Daniel know. 

Ladies Guild News

Ladies Guild consists of the women who attend Peace Lutheran Church.  This group meets the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Our main goal is to bring the Gospel story to the people in our church and the community through supportive acts of kindness.  We have been able to donate monies to Philomath Community Services, Philomath Youth Activity Club, June’s Kids Kloset, and to Camp Lutherwood.  There are many smaller donations that we give, too.

 The Fall Bazaar is our chief fundraiser.  We are now preparing for November 4 for this year’s event.  Items are being sought now. If you have a craft item you want to submit, or something you’d like to bake, call Jani Burton.  We will also have another beautiful quilt to raffle.

Please mark Thursday, September 7, 10:00 am on your calendar and plan to attend the Ladies Guild.

If you have any questions, please contact Peggy Krueger, Guild President.

The Ladies Guild Holiday Bazaar Update

Camp Lutherwood Harvest Homecoming

Go, fight, win during Harvest Homecoming. This new fundraising event invites camp’s biggest cheerleaders and most distinguished alumni to ensure the future of their summertime alma mater. Participate in the online auction, starting Sept. 22, or purchase tickets and plan to attend the big pep rally in-person beginning 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 1. Attendees can expect top-notch dinner service, live music, games, auction items, and plenty of chances to support the essential work of camp. Every year, Camp Lutherwood Oregon becomes a home away from home for hundreds of kids, young adults, and families — providing intentional experiences for all people to play, learn, and grow in the outdoors. Raise your paddle and your pom-poms this fall! 

Freezer Meal Ministry

This past week, a group of volunteers came together at Peace and made some amazing meals for the Freezer Meal Ministry. If you know of someone who can benefit from fellowship and a hot meal, feel free to take them a meal or two. The freezer meals are in the deep freeze next to the exterior kitchen door. 

JP Cima Update from Cambodia

We arrived back to Cambodia on August 6. It feels GREAT to be back!

  • It’s hot here.
  • It has been a busy start of settling back into home and reconnecting with youth, church, partners, and friends.
  • The kids had their first day of school at Logos International School.

Please Pray with Us for…PRAY WITH US

  • for the kids as they settle into a new school year.
  • for Bella’s 14th birthday on Aug. 26.
  • for moving forward with our local partners on the spring’s strategic planning, itself the culmination of a year-long visitation project.
  • for the upcoming start of two new Small Catechism cohorts in rural areas.
  • for university planning for Celeste. We feel overwhelmed!
  • for progress on J.P.’s dissertation proposal.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.  Your partnership is greatly appreciated!  

With love,

J.P., Aimee, Celeste, Bella, and Isaac