From the Pastor
Dear Friends,
Rebuilding versus building. Which one sounds more fun? I certainly will not claim that I know all that much about construction. Someone once asked me if I was a handyman. My response to that question is simply this, “I’m not a handyman, I’m a man.” My amateur opinion is that it would be more fun to build rather than rebuild. Who is all that motivated to rebuild something that you already built and have seen fall apart?
We’re going to be discussing a part of the Bible that describes a moment of rebuild. The Sunday School Adult class is going to be studying and discussing the Bible books of Ezra and Nehemiah for eight weeks beginning September 11. We’ll meet in the sanctuary each week at 9:00 am. Elders Rick and Merv will be guiding these classes each week. Why Ezra and Nehemiah? It was during this time that God’s people were experiencing great upset and transition. The walls and the temple of Jerusalem had been destroyed. The days of having elite individuals in Israel (think of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel) lead the people had passed. It was now a moment of time in which the community needed to come together and rebuild what once had been a great city. In the end, things worked out well as the people of God are drawn closer to God.
We all need to hear a message about rebuilding. No matter what age we are, we experience setbacks and disappointments. An eleven-year-old isn’t invited to a birthday party in which everyone else was. As we grow older the pain of setback probably intensifies. Some of those setbacks can include a career change, unemployment and/or a dream that can no longer be. Setbacks also come when we experience the loss of a loved one through separation or death. But just because we all need to hear a message about rebuilding, doesn’t necessarily mean that we want to!!
Our setbacks can be used by God. I recently read a story that is told of an American President who once lamented the advisors that he had chosen. He went on to say that they were too young and inexperienced. In hindsight he wished that he would have chosen people who were at least forty years old and that had suffered at least one major disappointment in life. It is in those setbacks that we mature and gain in perspective.
Does anyone really make it through life without any setbacks and disappointments? And if they did—how would they ever develop character and perseverance?
No matter what we’re facing in life, we can turn to Christ. Christ won’t always relieve us from the pain and disappointments. But His promise is that He’ll be with us. And His presence alone ensures that we’ll be comforted just enough to bear the challenge.
Thank you to Rick and Merv for leading! Here is what they will be covering and how you can best prepare:
September 11 “Following God’s Guidance” Ezra 1:1-11
September 18 “Celebrating God’s Goodness” Ezra 6:13-22
September 25 “Trusting in God’s Protection” Ezra 8:21-32
October 2 “Dealing with Guilt” Ezra 9:1-15
October 9 “Prayer and Action” Nehemiah 1:1-11
October 16 “Confidence in God” Nehemiah 2:1-20
October 23 “Persevering in Trials” Nehemiah 4:1-23
October 30 “A Generous Heart” Nehemiah 10:28-39
In Christ’s Joy,
Pastor J
Peace by the Numbers
Plan for Worship
September 4 – 9:30 am Worship Service in the sanctuary with communion.
September 11 – 10:00 am Worship Service in the sanctuary followed by the Fall BBQ and picnic. Note the new time for worship service.
September 18 – 10:00 am Worship Service in the sanctuary with communion.
September 25 – 10:00 am Worship Service in the sanctuary followed by fellowship.
Fall Sunday School Kick – Off
Mark your calendars to attend church on Sunday, September 11, for our annual fall kick-off.
We will be having our annual BBQ celebration with hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, chips, ice cream, and all the fixings, plus music, balloons, popcorn, and games for the kids. Everything is provided – no need to bring side dishes.
Sunday School starts at 9 am followed by worship at 10 am. Bring your siblings and invite your friends!
Red Cross Blood Drive
Thank you to everyone who supported the Red Cross blood drive on August 19. It was a great success with 42 units of blood donated which has an impact in 126 lives. A big thank you also to everyone who volunteered to help with the drive and provided the goodies for the donors. Our next blood drive will be Friday October 14 from 12:30-5:00. There is a significant shortage of blood supplies so please consider donating blood or helping support this life saving event.
Ladies Guild News
The cooking classes in July and August were great! It isn’t too late to join in the fun. On September 10th Kay will show us how to make Artisan Bread and on October 8th Merv will lead us in pie making. That will be our last two cooking classes for this year so contact Ellen Holroyd and sign up for a fun experience.
It is time to get ready for the craft Bazaar which will be held November 5th this year. Our thanks for all you have done in the past to help support this event. Money from the Bazaar helps the Guild meet our mission of building community and fellowship through spiritual, social and charitable activities in Corvallis and Philomath area…. You can help by donating craft items, basket items, cookies, and lightly used items. Watch for more information on dates and items needed for donations.
Corvallis Knights Game on July 26…

Music at the Museum
Looking for something to do in September? The Corvallis Museum located at 411 SW 2nd Street has several musical performances on Sunday afternoons in the month of September. Performances include:
- Street Music from the Great Depression – Sunday, September 11 at 2:00pm.
- Native American Flute – Sunday, September 18at 2:00pm.
- Chayag Andean Music and Nuestras Historias Forum – Sunday, September 25 at 2:00pm.
Mid-Willamette Valley Walk to End Alzheimer’s
The 2022 Walk to End Alzheimer’s in the Mid – Willamette Valley will take place on Saturday, September 24th. Registration opens at 9:00am followed by a short ceremony at 10:00am. The walk will begin at 10:30.
The event will take place at Bruce Starker Arts Park, 4485 SW Country Club Drive in Corvallis.
For more information, please contact Holly Bendixen or Dana Kilgus (503) 416-0212, [email protected].
Some Thank You Notes from Our Ministry Partners