Posts by Peace

5160 of 1014 items

New Church Directory

by Peace

The new church directory is now online….

You can login by going to ‘’ and click on the button labeled “Member Sign In”. From there, click on “First time signing in? Create Login”. After that, you will enter your email address that you use for church correspondence. If you are unsure which email address to use, please check with Daniel.… Read More

First Mid-Week Advent Service 2023

by Peace

Mid-Week Advent Service

(December 6, 2023)




Leader: Jesus Christ, you are the light of the world;

All: the light no darkness can over-come;

Leader: Stay with us now, for it is evening,

All: and the day is almost over.

Leader: Let your light scatter the darkness,

All:  and shine within your people here.… Read More

December 2023 Newsletter

by Peace

From the Pastor

Dear Peace family,

Nobody likes the feeling of decreasing or being replaced!

Have you ever wondered how John the Baptist’s disciples felt went Jesus came along? We don’t have to wonder too much, John’s gospel hints that they had misgivings. John was their “guy.” Jesus was beginning to experience some great success as “everyone” (see John 1:26) was going to him to be baptized.… Read More