1 ) Opportunity to donate :
LWML Willamette Zone Fall Rally is October 12th.
They are gathering:
(new) stuffed animals, footballs, soccer balls, beads, emb. floss, small journals, crayons, markers and non-wire bound notebooks for kids. Bring your donations to church THIS SUNDAY, the 6th, or by Friday the 12th at the latest. There will be a donation box on or near the long pew in the narthex. Margaret Dusek will transfer all to the rally.
2 ) Kay Glathar and Andrea Glathar Johnson are willing to assemble baskets for the Harvest bazaar. They need your donations for baskets ASAP so they can get them assembled sooner than later. Donate empty baskets, items to fill them or $$ to buy items for baskets.
We NEED lots of stuff to sell at the bazaar. Please bring non perishable items between now and Nov. 7th so we can price them and then also know how much we have to sell. The MORE the merrier ! It’s NEVER too late to donate. Perishable itms can be brought Nov. 7th, 8th and 9th. The bazaar starts at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday. I’ll be sending a separate email for people to sign up to help if they ( you ) so desire. Donations can be put in the first classroom right by the mailboxes. ( Do know that if your item does not sell, you can retrieve it if you do not want it sold at a lower price ).
FYI : Last year’s biggest sellers were caramel corn, breads, and gift items priced under $10.
3 ) Mark your calendar for Nov. 16th – there is a ‘firmly tentative’ plan for a baby shower for baby girl Lucke. More info to follow next week.
4 ) An FYI : all checks written to guild for cookbooks and the like need to be made out to Peace Lutheran Ladies Guild NOT ever to LWML. This information is from Sandi Kloster, guild treasurer : )