Peace family,
March is going to be a month of transition at Peace—we are transitioning back to in-person in the sanctuary worship on Sunday, March 14! This decision was made jointly by the Elders and the Hygiene Team at Peace. Here are the details highlighted by three guiding principles:
A Regular Worship Schedule—I’m sure it has been challenging to keep track of when and how Peace has worshiped over the last year. It has been hard for me to keep track!! Here is the plan:
1st Sunday of each month—Drive-In Communion Service in Peace’s parking lot at 11:00 am
2nd , 4th, and 5th Sundays of each month—Worship in-person in the sanctuary at 11:00 am
3rd Sunday of each month—Worship with Communion in-person in the sanctuary at 11:00 am
If you are uncomfortable or unable to attend the in-person service, there will be the livestream online option.
There is no need to RSVP, just come and worship! We’ll have the Fellowship Hall (with livestreaming) ready in case we are above the limit of 45 people in the sanctuary.
Your Safety—I know that the restrictions and safety limitations over the last year have been fatiguing. I’m fatigued by them too! We can give thanks to the many leaders and volunteers, however, who have worked hard in keeping our membership safe and healthy. To the best of my knowledge, there has not been any spread of illness over the last year at Peace. We will continue to uphold your safety as a matter of Jesus’ call to love one another (John 13:34-35 and John 15:12).
- Masks are required in the building at all times.
- Physical distancing of 6 feet is required in the building.
- Hand Washing is appreciated—be looking for the hand sanitizer and use it.
- Contact tracing is required each time you enter the building. Be sure to sign in. Once you do, an usher will guide you to a seat.
Livestream Online Worship—Who would have thought that Peace would have been so dependent on technology this last year? I am so thankful for the team that was quickly assembled to offer online worship and that has stayed together throughout the year to sustain this important ministry. Peace has offered “productions” up to this point recording a service on Saturday to post for our online members. Beginning on Sunday, March 14 our services will be “live” online. What you see at home is pretty much what you would see if you were in the sanctuary.
- Don’t sweat it if you missed watching church “live.” We will have the service made available on our Facebook page and website for viewing later.
- The focus of the camera will be up front on the chancel and worship leaders—not on our members attending in the sanctuary.
The hope is that in the time ahead we will be only adding more and more activities, gatherings and events. Stay tuned!
I’m open to any questions, comments and concerns you may have. Feel free to seek out the Hygiene Team and the Elders too.
In thanks,
Pastor J
Items in the Narthex
Over the past month, the narthex (entrance) of the church has been used to provide services each weekend. Usually the narthex is a place of gathering, even though we have been unable to gather in person, we are still gathering things in the Narthex. Things like books, nonperishable foods, clean used clothing, and sanitizing items. We are gathering these things because Peace is continuing on their mission to be a community outreach. Following are some of the items being gathered – and because there are so many please read the label on each of the collection bins carefully before you donate.
The Backpack Ministry
Submitted by Diane Crocker

The Backpack Ministry has been busy and thriving throughout February, thanks to many of your donations both in items and checks to purchase items, and a second grant awarded. The homeless population just seems to be increasing this past year, in part due to the pandemic and the wildfires. The need is great and we are trying to do our part. We can not help everyone…but everyone we help has been appreciative and thankful for our efforts. In February alone (as of Monday, Feb 22) we have given out 29 backpacks and 15 grocery bags filled with snacks, toiletries, mask, sanitizer and warming items such as gloves, hats, coats, blankets and hand-warmers. This brings our total to 106 (61 backpacks and 45 reusable grocery bags) homeless individuals helped since we started this ministry.
Elaine Schwartz has graciously sewn a mask for each of the backpacks/bags we have given out. These add up, so if you have fabric to donate, 90% of our bags go to men, and so if you have nice 100% Cotton fabric that would be appropriate for a man, and you could donate it, please either..1).add it to our March 1 donation collection, 2) put it on Diane Crocker’s doorstep or 3) give it to Elaine directly.
We have been working with a couple of different homeless advocates/programs. John, our volunteer homeless advocate has done some fundraising of his own to purchase 47 propane tanks and heaters so that the homeless were able to dry out and stay warmer through the ice and snow we have recently had. He reports that they will often share tents and heaters to make it though the roughest weather. There is another individual/company that comes by once a week to fill the propane tanks for free! He has delivered the majority of our bags and backpacks to three different homeless camps in the area. He reports the joy and gratitude for our gifts as heartwarming. He also says that the homeless will often share their bag or backpack with another so that we have made an impact on even more individuals than we have counted.
The other program that we have been working with is the “Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center” located at 530 SW 4th St.. Oscar Gutbrod and Rob Schulze have long been volunteers/helpers there, and made for a smooth introduction to their program for us. The Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center is a warming center for the homeless during the hours of 9am-2pm weekdays. They also give out food, and supplies as they have them. We have donated about 15 backpacks there, and have agreed to do our best to support them with any supplies we can gather. In addition to the warming center and supplies, they offer counseling services which are so very important to the health of our homeless population. In our efforts to support the “Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center” , Allison, their Executive Director, has given me a list of the most needed items for their center. I would like to have a donation collection for the “Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center (CDDC)” similar to the ones we had for the backpack ministry. On Monday, March 1, from 8am-5pm, I will put some boxes on the bench in front of the church to collect any donations you have to offer. The list is long….but please only donate items from this list. They are not able to handle other items, and it would just cause more work for them. Most items (except where inapproriate) can be cleaned used items. I will collect the items on March 1 and take them to the center as a donation from our church and the backpack ministry. Here is the list, those items marked with (*) are for the warming center:
- Lice spray/shampoo
- Neosporin
- Ace Bandages
- Athletes foot cream
- Orajel
- Pepto Bismo
- Brushes/combs
- Nail Clippers
- Tweezers
- Socks
- Gloves
- Coats
- long underwear
- underwear
- shoes
- ponchos
- tents
- sleeping bags
- Blankets
- Backpacks/bags
- Travel sewing kits
- umbrellas
- Sandwich bags
- Paper Towels
- Ziploc Bags
- dog collars/leashes
- Toilet paper*
- clorox wipes*
- Lysol Spray*
- Floor cleaner*
- Bathroom cleaner*
- Dishwashing soap/dishwasher pods*
- Trash bags*
Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement of this ministry!
Diane Crocker
2223 Applegate St-Philomath
Sunday School in February to March
Starting February 21 Merv Munster will be leading the Adult Sunday School Session. This session will focus on the Epistle Readings corresponding to each Sunday. As usual a ZOOM link will be sent out before the beginning of class at 9:30 AM.
Following are the Epistle Lessons that will be focused on for class with Merv, starting February 21.