In PDF format at: 04-18-2019 – Maundy Thursday Service
Maundy Thursday
April 18, 2019
Peace Lutheran Church
Philomath, OR
OPENING HYMN: “Beautiful Savior” LBW 518 vs. 1-2 only
Beautiful Savior, King of creation,
Son of God and Son of Man!
Truly I’d love thee, Truly I’d serve thee,
Light of my soul, my joy, my crown.
Fair are the meadows, Fair are the woodlands
Robed in flow’rs
of blooming spring;
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer,
He makes our sorrowing spirit sing.
Pastor: In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.
People: Amen.
Pastor: We gather this evening to remember a most holy night, a night when God sealed His covenant with His people through bread and wine. Tonight, we receive God’s most precious gift of forgiveness for His people. Our Father in heaven desires to restore a right relationship with His children. Therefore, gathered in His holy name, we His people confess our sins before Him and before one another.
People: Most merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean. We have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We justly deserve your present and eternal punishment. For the sake of the innocent suffering and death of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways to the glory of Your holy name. Amen.
Pastor: God is merciful. Even before we were aware of our sin, He sent His Son to die for us, and for His sake God forgives all our sins. As a called and ordained servant of the Word, and at the command and promise of my Lord Jesus Christ, I forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.
People: Amen.
Pastor: Let us pray. O Lord, in this wondrous Sacrament You have left us a remembrance of Your passion. Grant that we may so receive the sacred mystery of Your body and blood that the fruits of Your redemption may continually be manifest in us; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
People: Amen.
CHOIR ANTHEM: “Wash Their Feet”
By: Pepper Choplin
There one night in the upper room, He laid aside His robe.
He wrapped a towel around His waist like a servant’s clothes.
Then my Master, Lord and King, kneeled to do this amazing thing,
He washed their feet, He got down on His knees and washed their feet.
Why would my Master, Lord and King, come to do this amazing thing?
He washed their feet.
The Lord said, “As I come to wash your feet to make you pure and clean,
Go out now and touch the world, do what you have seen.
Hear My call and live it true, do for them what I do for you.
Go, wash their feet. Be a servant, humble and meek, wash their feet.
Hear My call and live it true, do for them what I do for you.
Go, wash their feet.”
When the Lord left heaven to come down, He laid aside His glory and His crown.
He did not cling to power or follow after fame.
Still all heaven sings the glory of His name.
So wash their feet. Be a servant, humble and meek, wash their feet.
Hear My call and live it true, do for them what I do for you. Wash their feet.
There one night in the upper room, He laid aside His robe.
HOLY GOSPEL John 13:1–17, 31–35
Now before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to
the end. The devil had already put it into the heart of Judas son of Simon Iscariot to betray him. And during supper Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him.
He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus answered, “You do not know now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no share with me.” Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!” Jesus said to him, “One who has bathed does not need to wash, except for the feet, but is entirely clean. And you are clean, though not all of you.” For he knew who was to betray him; for this reason he said, “Not all of you are clean.”
After he had washed their feet, had put on his robe, and had returned to the table, he said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord—and you are right, for that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. Very truly, I tell you, servants are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater than the one who sent them. If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.
When he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in him. If God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and will glorify him at once. Little children, I am with you only a little longer. You will look for me; and as I said to the Jews so now I say to you, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come.’ I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
HYMN: “Jesus, I Will Ponder Now”
Jesus, I will ponder now…On your holy Passion;
Let your Spirit now endow…Me for meditation.
Grant that I in love and faith…May the image cherish
Of your suff’ring, pain, and death…That I may not perish.
Make me see your great distress…Anguish, and affliction,
Bonds and stripes and wretchedness…And your crucifixion;
Make me see how scourge and rod…Spear and nails, did wound you,
How you died for those, O God…Who with thorns had crowned you.
HYMN: “Jesus, I Will Ponder Now”
Yet, O Lord, not thus alone…Make me see your Passion;
But its cause to me make known…And its termination.
For I also and my sin…Wrought your deep affliction;
This the shameful cause has been…Of your crucifixion.
Let me view your pain and loss…With repentant grieving,
Nor prepare again your cross…By unholy living.
May I give you love for love!…Hear me, O my Savior,
That I may in heav’n above…Sing your praise forever.
HYMN: “Jesus, I Will Ponder Now”
If my sins give me alarm…And my conscience grieve me,
Let Your cross my fear disarm; …Peace of conscience give me.
Help me see forgiveness won…By Your holy passion.
If for me He slays His Son…God must have compassion!
Graciously my faith renew;…Help me bear my crosses,
Learning humbleness from You…Peace mid pain and losses.
May I give You love for love!…Hear me, O my Savior,
That I may in heav’n above…Sing Your praise forever.
SERVICE OF THE SACRAMENT: The Answer to the Haunting Question
Pastor: Is it I? The truth is, the answer to that question is a resounding “yes” for all of us. The timelessness of sin makes our answer: “Yes, it is I who betrayed You.” It is as if I was the one who held the nails. But even more, it is I whom He saw, when out of love He took the shame of the cross, giving His life for mine. Now, it is we who have the opportunity to share in the special meal where God meets us, forgives our sin, gives us salvation and eternal life, and connects us one to another. Thanks be to God, that it is we who benefit from all that God, in Christ Jesus, has done to save sinners. Welcome to the Table of our Lord.
People: Thanks be to God!
Pastor: Let us pray. We give thanks to You, almighty God, that You have refreshed us through this salutary gift, and we implore You that of Your mercy You would strengthen us through the same in faith toward You and fervent love toward one another; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
People: Amen.
Pastor: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and + give you peace.
People: Amen.
CLOSING HYMN: “Were You There” LBW 92
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh, Sometimes it causes me to
tremble, tremble, tremble,
Were you there when they Crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?
Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?
Oh, Sometimes it causes me to
tremble, tremble, tremble,
Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Oh, Sometimes it causes me to
tremble, tremble, tremble,
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Were you there when God raised him from the tomb?
Were you there when God raised him from the tomb?
Oh, Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble,
Were you there when God raised him from the tomb?
The Communionware, the paraments, and altar appointments are removed and placed into the sacristy. The chancel is to remain bare through Good Friday. The congregation sits in silence until all items have been removed. Once all the items are removed, the congregation may exit the sanctuary.
Good Friday Worship at 7 pm tomorrow
What is so good about Good Friday? Come and find out! This is an austere and simple service that focusses on the fulfillment of God’s promises in Christ Jesus’ death—the full payment for our sins—that’s why Good Friday is “good.” At Peace we recognize this in a personal way. Each participant receives a nail at the beginning of worship that can then be placed into the cross in the narthex at the conclusion of the service. This reminds us that our debt has been paid by Jesus’ death. We will also be reminded that Jesus has taken the load of sin off our shoulders as the Peace Lutheran Choir sings, “Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs.”
1st Reading: Is. 52:13—53:12
Psalm: Psalm 22 or Psalm 31
Epistle: Heb. 4:14–16; 5:7–9
Gospel: John 18:1—19:42
John 19:17–30
Easter Sunrise Service at College United Methodist Church – 7:00 am
1st Reading: Job 19:23–27
Psalm: Psalm 118:15–29
Epistle: 1 Cor. 15:51–57
Gospel: John 20:1–18
Easter Worship at Peace Lutheran Church – 10 am on Sunday
Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus did not remain in the tomb but rose from the tomb and lives. This is a day of celebration! We will hear some powerful songs sung by our Peace Lutheran Choir (and Youth Choir) and sing some ourselves. When the pastor says, “Alleluia. Christ is risen”, be ready to reply, “He is risen indeed! Alleluia.” This is our way of saying, “Jesus wins and so do we!”
1st Reading: Is. 65:17–25
Psalm: Psalm 16
Epistle: 1 Cor. 15:19–26
Gospel: Luke 24:1–12