From the Pastor
Dear Friends,
As I grow older, I am recognizing those things in my life that don’t last long enough. I wish they did…. they just don’t. Phone batteries. Naps. Vacation. Peanut butter. The weekend. Gum.
October is the month that we celebrate the Reformation. We will be doing so in church on Sunday, October 29. Wear red. Be ready to sing A Mighty Fortress.
One of the contributions of Martin Luther was that he encouraged the Christian Church to categorize the items of faith that wouldn’t last from those items that would last forever. Luther rightly listed church buildings, money, human power and human works in general as momentary. It wasn’t that Luther devalued these items—he just understood that they weren’t as useful as God’s Word.
Luther would then list those items that would last forever. What were some of those items? Anything that had to do with Christ. The Gospel. God’s forgiveness. God’s promises. Grace. Faith. The Scriptures.
Luther’s motivation for making these lists came from a specific Bible passage, I Corinthians 3:12-13:
If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.
You may or may not recall that Luther called some parts of the New Testament “straw.” He called the book of James in an early introduction, “the epistle of straw”, for example. Luther felt that the Gospel message of Jesus in James was not as crystal clear as in Romans or Galatians. Consequently, when Luther ordered the books of the New Testament, he placed those books that included “straw” toward the end: James, Hebrews, Jude and Revelation.
What if we applied Luther’s approach to our own lives? What if we listed those things that won’t last compared to those things that will? I think it would be a helpful exercise. I encourage you to do so this month in the spirit of Luther’s Reformation.
Revelation 14:6 says, “And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.”
We can count on this message reaching many generations after us even into all eternity.
In Christ’s service and Yours, Pastor J
Peace by the Numbers
Plan for Worship
October 1 – 8:30am – Hope for Healing Service
October 1 – 10:00am – Worship Service with Communion. Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
October 8 – 10:00am – Worship Service. Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
October 15 – 10:00am – Worship Service with Communion. Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost.
October 22 – 10:00am – Worship Service. Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost.
October 29 – 10:00am – Worship Service. Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost.
Fall Bible Study
Continuing this month, David Leding is leading an exploration into the Augsburg Confession using a small book, “A Lutheran Toolkit” and The Augsburg Confession as our guide. As Lutherans we are a confessional body of believers in the risen Lord Jesus Christ and one of our primary confessions is the Augsburg Confession. By digging deeper into this confession, we will together learn more about the roots of our church and the teachings that are the foundation of our Lutheran heritage.
Prayer, Healing, & Renewal Service
Peace is offering a Prayer, Healing and Renewal Service on the first Sunday of the month at 8:30 am.
October’s service will be Sunday, October 1 at 8:30 am. Pastor Lucke and the elders want to address your concerns, pains, and challenges with prayer and the Lord’s promises.
The service itself is brief lasting 20 minutes.
Fall Kickoff Picnic
A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the fall kickoff picnic a huge success.
A Special Birthday is Approaching
Ethel Post will turn 100 years young next month. Dianna Benton (Ethel’s Daughter) is organizing a birthday party for her. Here is the information:
Location: Peace Lutheran Church
Date: October 21, 2023
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Contact: Person is Dianna Benton (Post) 971-241-7414 Everyone is invited to attend this special birthday celebration for Ethel
Backpack Ministry Working Party
Friday, October 27 at 2 pm in the Peace Lutheran Fellowship Hall
The Backpack Ministry is in its third year of caring for those less fortunate than ourselves. If you have helped before, we sure could use your experience and expertise. If you have never helped, please join us! There will be several to work alongside that have done this before to give you guidance.
The Backpack Ministry is sponsored by Peace Lutheran Church with the goal of helping mostly the homeless and others who are down on their luck. We will be filling 100 backpacks or bags with warming items such as gloves, Hats, scarves, socks and sometimes tarps and blankets. We will also add some hygiene items such as toothbrush/paste, shampoo, soap, washcloth, lip balm and sometimes includes wipes, lotion, deodorant, and hand sanitizer/masks. We also include some food in the manner of granola bars, protein, fruit and snacks. Other items we have included in the past include flashlights with extra batteries, zip ties, bungee cords, and anything we can provide that helps those living without heat or a roof over their heads.
We have 3 work parties a year, spread between October and March. It only takes about an hour, and it sure is wonderful to join others in our community with the goal of helping. Please consider joining.
If (not required) you would like to donate socks, snacks, protein items please do so. If you would like to donate money to the project, Peace Lutheran Church as a Backpack Ministry fund, and can accept your donation that is tax deductible.
Questions? Please contact: Diane Crocker 541-609-0018 or [email protected]
WeCare is now 40 Years Old
Each week, We Care has helped Benton County families and neighbors with one-time financial assistance. They pay for rent, utilities, and other expenses to prevent shutoffs, evictions, and homelessness.
Please continue to keep We Care in your prayers. If you would like to volunteer, donate, or learn more about We Care visit their website wecarecorvallis.org. For more information please talk to Linda S.
Men’s Breakfast Returning in October
Peace Men’s Breakfast: Men of Peace set your calendar for Saturday, October 7th. It’s time again to begin another year of enjoying a hardy breakfast on the First Saturday of the month, October – June. We also alternate with the men of Zion every other month. Zion will be hosting the breakfast in November. We begin with coffee at 8:00, breakfast at 8:30, and a topic discussion from 9- 10. A reminder will be emailed to those on my list as we get closer to October 7th. Let me (Oscar Gutbrod) know if you would like to be on the list. [email protected] Cell: 541-231-3954
Possible Mission Trip Next Summer
Do you have interest or know of someone who has an interest in taking part in a mission trip? Peace is exploring the idea of taking a mission trip in partnership with Child Beyond International next summer. Child Beyond International seeks to catalyze American youth and adults to care for the needs of marginalized and vulnerable people–particularly children. For more information, check out Child Beyond’s website at www.childbeyond.org. See Pastor Lucke if you have an interest. All are welcome to hear more on Wednesday, October 25 at 7 pm as we will connect with Child Beyond’s Director and clarify a plan!
New Church Directory
The new church directory is now online….
You can login by going to ‘Instantchurchdirectory.com’ and click on the button labeled “Member Sign In”. From there, click on “First time signing in? Create Login”. After that, you will enter your email address that you use for church correspondence. If you are unsure which email address to use, please check with Daniel. Daniel (as the Peace’s Directory Administrator) will then approve your login.
After you do all these steps and have access to the directory, you can edit your profile including, adding, deleting, or updating information, including your picture. Your edits will not take place immediately as Daniel will again have to approve any changes.
If you have a smartphone, there is also an app you can download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Just search for “Instant Church Directory” and the icon will look like this:
If you have trouble or any questions, please talk to Daniel. A printed directory will be coming out shortly for anyone who would like a printed copy of the updated directory.
Ladies Guild October Report
We are off to a roaring start this fall. The Bazaar is just a month away and there are many areas that need helpers. Also craft items are always needed. October is the month that all Missouri Synod Lutheran churches set aside one Sunday to focus on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions. The national LWML association has chosen the color purple to represent them. So to honor LWML all women of our church are encouraged to wear some shade of purple on October 8. We will be participating in the church service as ushers, readers and fellowship hostesses.
Your filled baby bottles for “Options, Sanctity of Life” were picked up and Peace Lutheran collected $594.00. Thank you for your support.
Events to get excited about:
- October 5, 2023: Ladies Guild Meeting. 10:00-12:00 fellowship hall
- October 21, 2023: LWML Fall gathering at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Lebanon 9:30-2:00 pm.
- October 29: Celebration of Ethel Post’s 100th Birthday. She is a charter member of Peace Lutheran’s Ladies Guild, and active member of LWML.
- November 4: Fall Bazaar: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- November 18: CPR/Defib. Class. $40.00, scholarships available. Time TBA.
We believe that women value the friendship, support, and encouragement from other women and strive to offer warm, welcoming opportunities for women to grow in faith and relationships as sisters in Christ. Please join us for Guild. If you need a ride or have questions, please call Peggy Krueger, President, 541-602-1890.
Decorating for Fall
It certainly feels like fall is upon us. We will soon start decorating the church to celebrate the season. Pumpkins and gourds always make the church look festive, so if you happen to have any of those growing in your garden or would like to pick some up at the store, it would be a great help. Please drop your pumpkins, gourds, or other fall decorations off at church or give them Sally or Colleen.
The Ladies Guild Holiday Bazaar Update
Camp Lutherwood Harvest Homecoming
Go, fight, win during Harvest Homecoming. This new fundraising event invites camp’s biggest cheerleaders and most distinguished alumni to ensure the future of their summertime alma mater. Participate in the online auction, starting Sept. 22, or purchase tickets and plan to attend the big pep rally in-person beginning 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 1. Attendees can expect top-notch dinner service, live music, games, auction items, and plenty of chances to support the essential work of camp. Every year, Camp Lutherwood Oregon becomes a home away from home for hundreds of kids, young adults, and families — providing intentional experiences for all people to play, learn, and grow in the outdoors. Raise your paddle and your pom-poms this fall!
Supporting Our Youth
We wanted to thank everyone for their support of our volleyball season at Philomath High School. So many of you kindly purchased raffle tickets for our fundraiser last month. We wanted to follow up and let you know that our team was able to raise a total of $5,600 for our volleyball program, and $660 of that came from our Peace Lutheran family! And congratulations to Mrs. Crocker, who won one of the prizes, a handmade charcuterie board.
We have a couple more home games on October 10th and 19th at 6pm at Philomath High School. We would love to see you there! –Clara and Nora Stanley
Annual Philomath Open Studios Art Tour and Sale
The Annual Philomath Open Studios Art Tour and Sale Set for the Last Two Weekends in October 2023.
The artists of Philomath are happy to open their studios again this year during the Philomath Open Studios Tour (POST). Art lovers and those who are curious about artists and the creative process can visit 26 artists in 11 locations in and around Philomath during the weekends of October 21-22 and 28-29, from noon to 5pm. The tour is free, and visitors can start at any studio. Distinctive yellow signs with the POST hand symbol mark studio locations and keep visitors on track throughout the route.
The POST tour is an opportunity to take a break from the busyness of life and immerse yourself in beauty and innovation. On the tour, spend time with artists and see what inspires them and how they make their art. Ask questions and learn about raw materials, equipment, and creative processes. Invite the chance that your own creativity will be stimulated! Purchase and take-home new art for continuing enjoyment.
POST showcases a broad array of artistic media, this year including painting in acrylic, oil, watercolor and alcohol ink, printmaking, ceramics, pastel, glass, mosaic, wood and resin, beadwork, pencil drawing, photography, encaustic, jewelry, silk painting and mixed media. The wide range of media and styles guarantees that there is something for everyone’s interest.
Participating artists include Rebecca Arthur, Phil Coleman, Jennifer Deily, Dale Donovan, Brian Egan, Gale Everett, Debi Friedlander, Mark Gillespie, Anthony Gordon, Babette Grunwald, Jeff Gunn, Kristin Hager, Linda Herd, Carol Houk, Mack Howard, Ann Lahr, Jean Lawrence, Julia Lont, Emma Marliave, Kate McGee, Kris Mitchell, Lyn Radosevich, Debby Sundbaum-Sommers, Leslie Tejada, Steve Terhune, and Justin Wolford.
Visit PhilomathOpenStudios.com for a map with studio locations and artist information. The website also contains profiles of participating artists, with statements and multiple images of their work. Brochures featuring a map and artist data and images will be available at the Arts Center in Corvallis and other galleries and locations throughout the area.
An exhibition of works by the POST artists will be displayed in Corvallis at Pegasus Frame Studio and Gallery at 312 SW Madison from September 5-October 31. A mini preview will also be at the Philomath Public Library October 1-31.